
Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska criticizes Krieg ungewohnt deutlich

Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska criticizes Krieg ungewohnt deutlich

The Russian Milliardär Oleg Deripaska which has been the subject of intense criticism against the Ukraine Russia if all goes well. In an interview with the Japanese Zeitung “Nikkei Asia”, Deripaska ordered a “sofortigen, bedingungslosen Waffenstillstand”. “If a man is in war, he must stop the attack,” said it in the Dieser Woche am Rande a Wirtschaftskonferenz in Japan.

Official representative of Russia

Deripaska has taken part in one of the conferences as an official representative of Russia. There is talk of a conflict as “verrückt”. The Russian philosophy Alexander Dugin, if one of the most important ideologues gilds the Krieges, griff de Unternehmer daraufhin scharf an. “Das is a Dolchstoß in the Rugen, our armed forces and an Unterstützung for the Terrorists of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who are being exterminated in the Kursk Region,” Dugin said on the Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram. “The war’s position on military special operations is unclear. There is a clear military presence. There is support on the other side.”

Deripaska zählt zählt zählt zu höhlhabendsten en influssreichsten Unternehmern in Russland en wird roads signaler Nahe zu Präsident Vladimir Putin von western Ländern sanktioniert. I think others in the country are prominent and that Deripaska is again critical of Russian politics, but that is not as German as in that interview. After the beginning of the Russian big riffs in Ukraine, in Russia as a “Special Operation” we started in 2022 a tragic journey for both Völker spoken and zum Frieden aufgerufen. The western western economies from Russia are harmful to the Wirtschaft criticism.

There is a war going on between the privatization of aluminum and mining products after the fall of the takeover of the Reichtum. His assets were estimated by the American magazine “Forbes” at 2.8 billion dollars.