
Afghan Breakerin with Botschaft für Frauenrechte

Afghan Breakerin with Botschaft für Frauenrechte

You fight for women’s rights

Afghan Breakerin sollte sterben en floh – nun nutzt sie de Olympia-Bühne voor een Botschaft

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The Afghan Breakerin Talash has established the Women’s Law in his homeland.


The world is waiting for Paris and see your bone!

Afghan Breakerin Talash (21) has lost his fear for a few years in his homeland. His drive at Olympia is now useful for the athlete from the refugee team, to set a sign.

“Sie hätten mich executionert oder zu Tode ended”

In this battle, the Dutch people in India see the Afghan Breaker in their clothes on the stage and say a hellblauen Umhang with the letter “Free Afghan Women” (“Befreit afghanische Frauen”). A clear botschaft in Richtung ihrer Heimat.

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A homeland, which emerges from fear lost in August 2021. When Islamic fundamentalists take power in Afghanistan, the 21st years fly with their damals a year later in Pakistan. If you see more in Spain, both are officially registered. „If I were in Afghanistan, I wouldn’t be happy,” said Talash, whose civil name is Manizha Talas, from the BBC. “They have ended my execution.” ITodesdrohungen is here in Heimatstadt Kabul.

Im Video: Weitsprungstar glücklich über Olympia-Silber