
Sprint-Staffel um Lückenkemper holt Bronze – Topthemen

Sprint-Staffel um Lückenkemper holt Bronze – Topthemen

Olympic Games

The German sprinters started after the victory with their Selbstvertrust in the Olympia-Finale. It is a great medal.

The German Staffel hates the Vorlauf überzeugt Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa


Quelle: Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
The BZ editorial staff made no mention of redaktionell.

Saint-Denis (dpa) – The German 4×100-meter-staff of the women as ex-European master Gina Lückenkemper is ready for the Olympia-Bronze sprint. In the final Alexandra Burghardt, Lisa Mayer, Lückenkemper and Rebekka Haase win 41.97 seconds. For Burghardt it is the second Olympia-medal. 2022 is a party at the winter games in Beijing Silber im Zweier-Bob won.

The German quartet must sit in the rain in the Stadion of France, while Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz waged war, now that the Staffeln from the US and Great Britain were defeated. The American forces occupied in 41.78 secondary education with the Hundertstelse powers the British, and came the German Auswahl. It is the first Olympia-Edelmetall for a German Staffel since 1988.

DLV-Quartett contains the EM title

The German Leichtathletik-Team is a medalist at the Spielen from Paris. Damit is that the relationship is well-founded. Care for the cavities of Leo Neugebauer and Weitspringerin Malaika Mihambo jeweils Silber.

The quartet is a lucky keeper who has a great and good experience in the Vorlauf am Donnerstag, which is a medals that can be achieved in the camp. Don’t start with Sophia Junk. Ihren Part übernahm non Burghardt, weil Junk muskuläre problems hatte. Damit was the staff member of EM-Triumph for two years in Munich. Kurz zuvor hatte es – in light changer Besetzung – überraschend WM-Brons in Eugene gegeben.

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