
Anzeige: Dübbelde Immobilien: Harmonisches Familien-Quartett und Erfolgreiches Makler-Büro

Anzeige: Dübbelde Immobilien: Harmonisches Familien-Quartett und Erfolgreiches Makler-Büro

Mareike Leuchters hat das Unternehmen 2014 in Detern green. When the anniversary is given, there are a few hints about the Kulissen.

Reject / UP – If Mareike Dübbelde 25 war, quickly the Entschluss, sich in Detern with a real estate company zu machen independently. Gelernt hatte sie ursprünglich Groß- en Außenhandelskauffrau, aber eine gewisse Nähe zur Bau- and Wohnungsindustrie war thank Vater vorhanden: Neben seiner Tätigkeit in the Möbelindustrie war Helmut Dübbelde namlich über vale Jahre as Bauträger active. They can gain even more knowledge about the knowledge required for the further development of the real estate agent and a study of the real estate business in the field.

Selling a house in 10 steps

1. Assessment: The sale begins with a non-binding provision of information.

2. Value analysis: After researching the market, a purchase is made – and the preparation of the available knowledge is over.

3. Exposure: You can get a high guarantee on the real estate guarantee. Das Exposé is a great experience and one of many descriptions of high photos and professional videos.

4. Underlayers: Much documentation was received for the Verkauf. Bauakte, Grundriss, Grundbuchauszug, Liegenschaftskarte, Auszug aus dem Baulastenverzeichnis – fehlen Unterlagen, were answered. An energy-saving effect has been created. Bei erolgreichem Verkauf entstehen für diese Arbeit keine Zusatzkosten.

5. Sales: Objects are offered on the online portal, the own website and the own social media channels. A large customer database can be retrieved.

6. Question Purchasers interested in the sale were answered in detail by the office. While the first telephone transmissions could be carried out, potential buyers could infringe.

7. Viewings were immersed in the accompaniment of a portion of the time. If you want to use the private sphere of the entrepreneur for all fragments as a conversation partner of your publisher and eight days.

8. Good: There is a purchase agreement that has financed the financial background of the interests. About equity or financial expenditures – dubious real estate at the contact person at the bank. If the purchase agreement is obtained, the seller is dismissed.

9. Notary: If the sales delays are removed, this is no longer possible. You start by starting the business of the purchase delays in the notary with the Begleitung von Käufer and Verkäufer zur Beurkundung.

10. Pouring: It may be that you want to use a destimulation at the object of sale and cooking of a product. So were suggested Zählerstände protocoled.

The company’s founding has been going on for six years. “It really is a lot of fun this time,” Mareike Leuchters said with a laugh. The name is funny, if Tim Leuchter’s hat is inherited. The second child is on the way. Under the video journalist who got the job, a new image of the real estate agent can be found in the family. You can take the production of real estate videos to a higher level.

Hendrik Dübbelde, Brother of the Firmengründerin, was present in 2016. “We got a spark that positions us in the market,” she says. “The person who is whole is not more than happy to buy.” The qualified Kaufmann Hendrik is completely satisfied with the qualification of IHK-zertifizierten Immobilienmakler. This is inheritance law – and Tomke Dubbelde has been completed by the family quartet in the back office since September 2023. “Durch die enormously hilarious Entlastung im Büro können wir nog meer um unsere Kernaufgaben kümmern”, explains Hendrik Dübbelde.

"We are sincere villagers"says Mareike Leuchters (Zweite von right). Die Firmengründern mag Land en Leute ebenso wie Tim Leuchters (right) as well as Hendrik and Tomke Dübbelde. Photo: Studio Scheiwe

“Wir sind richtige Dorfmenschen”, says Mareike Leuchters (Zweite von right). Die Firmengründern mag Land en Leute ebenso wie Tim Leuchters (right) as well as Hendrik and Tomke Dübbelde. Photo: Studio Scheiwe

Anfang des Jahres ist da Familien-Quartett in the new Gebäudekomplex and the Mühlenstraße. It is a wonderful Zweifamilienhaus, hellrote Klinker, nicht pompös, sondern ins Dorfbild appropriate. Helmut Dübbelde has an architectural design and a problem as Bauträger-zweifelsohne a kinder- und schiegersohn-weigergebeben. “We don’t have a whole family of wardrobes in the family,” says Tim Leuchters. Gut 70 Eigentumswohnungen hat Dubbelde Real estate in the last years of construction, through with handicraft activities in the region.

“The buyers must feel comfortable. The problems arose with our own objects that are located near the house and the apartment, which are offered as brokers”, says Mareike Leuchters. The positive experiences are for Mareike (35) and Tim Leuchters (35) for Tomke (27) and Hendrik Dübbelde (29) as the best of their work. It has been a while since you did business or earned money – your money ended up on the augenhöhe. And on wish also in Plattdeutsch: “We are still right village people”, says Mareike Leuchters. The rest of the troops laugh together.

“If we have a family, we will have a family nunternehmen”

The Gebäudekomplex an der Mühlenstraße 6 in Detern is not located in a typical Zweifamilienhaus von der Stange, under the description of the landscape of the villages of the village. In the previous period you will find the company of Dübbelde Immobilien GmbH for a year. Mareike and Tim Leuchters see Tomke and Hendrik Dübbelde living here – a wonder, they would be happy to have their home in the East Frisian home planted.

It is eleven o’clock. From the discussion room asks ​​Glächter in the Flur. Team meeting. Mareike Leuchters and Hendrik Dübbelde have given their first skills and that form. „Wir haben gut zu tun“, say the Geschwister. A house or an own home that is sold is worth more and more time. The situation on the housing market is transient. Firm founder Mareike Leuchters has now written a few words: “Higher sense, higher costs for building materials, for an unprecedented round um das Thema Energie-efficiency.”

In particular, other family homes are led by the residents: “Beim Verkauf von Immobilien in the 50s, 60s and 70s were not long lasting, so high value is experienced by only a few years,” explains Hendrik Dübbelde. Seine Schwester said: “A good and financed assessment is so tough. The beets wir for all the Gebäude – equally, um welches Baujahr is sich acted.’ For the Family Quartet aus Detern bedeutet das: „We must find common solutions, am the end of the sales and purchases,’ says Tim Leuchters. This Firmenphilosophie lives in the Quartet: “With a Family, we have a Family Nunternehmen,” says Hendrik Dübbelde. “A story about all Verantwortung.”

If you perform this installation, it is a problem with a profession, a binding employment contract. There should be more and more bears, beratungen and treaties performed and a detourgeführt. The sale of real estate has come to a higher level, while the dubious real estate is not worth selling by Tim Leuchters. The video journalist here produces large-scale moving images – Interests can watch a number of things, such as the end of the objects.

The number of crimes is rising steadily. Mareike Leuchters does not support this development of the crime and the honest communication back. “Every customer is a difficult task. If you have a serious seriousness – a problem, you can buy a small house for 80,000 euros or a presence in Millionenhöhe. “

Tomke Dübbelde was present at the Meeting. Das Telefon im Büro is ringing. On the road in the back office it is only one thing: “It is the next time you end up in a stunde. The underlying layers are still clean.” The others continue to grow. Die Arbeit Ruft.

Seit der Firmengründung 2014 auch als Bauträger ergolgreich

Neben der classical sales besthender Häuser and Wohnungen hat Dubbelde Immobilien since der Firmengründung 2014 auch immer wieder eigenen Wohnraum geschaffen: Mareike Leuchters walked sozusagen von Beginn auf the Spuren ihres Vaters, over the many years another as privateer Bauträger-tätig war. I spent a year watching how the family business realized a construction project in the Weser-Ems area.

Rund 70 Wohnungen since bislang entstanden – zwischen 70 und 100 Quadratmeter groß, mit jeweils drei Zimmern, Küche und Bad. For the joint planning of an object – from Kauf a Grundstücks über de Planung und de Auftragsvergabe der einzelnen Gewerke bis in his Vermarktung und Verkauf – ist der Familienbetrieb in Detern verantwortlich. “We work with a team of architects and workers with qualified craftsmanship in the region”, says Hendrik Dübbelde.

Who says that two-family homes must be removed long-term? Our company's real estate specialists have selected their firms and undone their quality as a construction company. Photo: Prins

Who says that two-family homes must be removed long-term? Our company’s real estate specialists have selected their firms and undone their quality as a construction company. Photo: Prins

It was a year ago that the Bauträger grew up in East Frisia, in the Ammerland and in the city of Oldenburg. Entstanden are double houses, multi-family houses and sogar ganze Wohnparks. “If it is a project that is no longer high-quality and solid, it is one of the things that is a fact in the area,” said Tim Leuchters. All projects were completed conclusively.

Duplicate Real Estate are separated from a wesentlichen Punkt von manch otherm Bauträger: „Wir treten finanziell immer in Vorleistung. If he invests in his own commitment to the projects,” Mareike Leuchters explains. “This promotes transparency and security for interested parties. The award ceremony will fail for the first time if the house is sold.’ “We will continue to be financially successful, we will be able to keep our time and work so long, but we can still make good progress,” says the Firmengründerin.

Realizes double real estate in Loga ein Project als Bauträgers: Am Nordweg entsteht ein Haus with four Wohnungen. Photo: private

Realizes double real estate in Loga ein Project als Bauträgers: Am Nordweg entsteht ein Haus with four Wohnungen. Photo: private

So find the Exposés for both Erdgeschoss- and two Dachgeschosswohnungen in Loga in Angebot “entirely fresh”. The Fertigstellung des Vierfamilienhauses has been planted for October – completely complete: Wederer nor Elektriker müssen dann nor irgendwelche Restarbeiten erleden – and the Außenanlagen find their grateful Rollrasen and kompletter Pflasterung ebenfalls in an ansehnlichen Zustand.

The architects have had a good idea of ​​the jewels 75 square meters large Wohnflächen nibbles – and for your Wohnung a separate entrance planted. There are no gemeinsames Treppenhaus, one of the most interesting interesting subjects that can not be used, are perhaps other Mehrfamilienhäusern.

Computer animation: So the four-family house was born in October. Photo: private

Computer animation: So the four-family house was born in October. Photo: private

They discourage such suitable basic construction in the Weser-Ems-Gebiet for sophisticated residential construction projects. “Wir plans for Jahr im Schnitt zwei new Objekte”, erläutert Hendrik Dübbelde.

The office is available by telephone (04957-7563000) and by e-mail ([email protected]).

More information can be found online at