
61 Tote nach Flugzeugabsturz in Wohngebiet | Panorama

61 Tote nach Flugzeugabsturz in Wohngebiet | Panorama

A Flugzeug with 61 people and a sign is located in a residential area of ​​the city of Vinhedo in the Brazilian Federal State of São Paulo. Kein Insasse hat de Absturz am frühen Freitagnachmittag (Ortszeit) überlebt, wie de Stadtverwaltung der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mitteilte. Laut Fluggesellschaft VoePass were 57 Passengers and four Besatzungsmitglieder an Bord. You can use the airline 58 Passage and die after a few stuns.

Das Flugzeug war von der Stadt Cascavel in Bundesstaat Paraná in Richtung Guarulhos in São Paulo unterwegs. The Flughafen São Paulo-Guarulhos is the largest Flughafen Brasiliens. First round 19 Monaten kamen in Nepal at the Absturz des gleichen Flugzeugtyps ebenfalls Dutzende Menschen ums Leben.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has had a representation in the southern countries of the Anvásenden, a short minute of time. «A very sad news. My geese are delighted with family and friends of the offer, teilte Lula on the platform X mit.

Flugzeug stürzt auf a Grundstück in a Wohnanlage

Dieser Ausschnitt aus einem Video says Wrackteile eines Flugzeugs, das neben einem Haus im brasilianische Vinhedo abgestürzt ist. - © Felipe Magalhaes Filho/AP/dpa

Dieser Ausschnitt aus einem Video says Wrackteile eines Flugzeugs, das neben einem Haus im brasilianische Vinhedo abgestürzt ist. – © Felipe Magalhaes Filho/AP/dpa

The news portal «G1» reports a message about the orders in Vinhedo, the flight is in a residential house in the following few houses, in whatever form. But nobody is injured on the ground.

A woman, the video of the Flugzeug’s powered hat, says in the Fernsehsender UOL: “I still have no chance to hear Knall.”

Polizists are in the Einsatz in the Straße, who führt their geschlossenen Wohnanlage in Vinhedo, in a Flugzeug with 62 People and Bord abgestürzt ist. - © André Penner/AP

Polizists are in the Einsatz in the Straße, who führt their geschlossenen Wohnanlage in Vinhedo, in a Flugzeug with 62 People and Bord abgestürzt ist. – © André Penner/AP

The Fire Department is still in its own country with Rettungsteams vor Ort. Krankenhäuser in Vinhedo were in special Bereitschaft. Neben der Feuerwehr seien auch der Zivilschutz und de Polizei im Einsatz, reported «G1».

On images and videos in the social networks are wars going on, who has a flight in Trudeln kam and in the Himmel-veld. Poet Rauch climbed up. Data from Platform Flightradar 24 lie close, that the aircraft in less than a minute or quickly 4,000 height meters descended.

The Governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, said: «My solidarity was rewarded by all the Opfern and those affected by the tragedy.» There is all the necessary support.

Absturzursache muss noch ermittelt zijn

If you’ve never been on a discovery tour, you can take a picture of Airline’s VoePass in an Instagram post. The Bundespolizei has carried out an undermining of the Unfalls. In the house of a resident of the closed home, in which the tragedy occurred, the Polizei sets up an Art Krisenstab one, with a “G1” message.

The accident heard from the Nachrichtenportal «UOL» will go to the tödlightest in the History of the Brazilian Air Force.

In the Erinnerung is probably an Absturz on November 28, 2016, as the Flugzeug of the Brazilian Fußball-Clubs Chapecoense on the road after Medellín zum Final-Hinspiel um the Copa Sudamericana, the South American Pokal, in the Kolom verunglückte. Damals starben 71 Menschen, all Spieler anyway Betreuer, Trainer and traveling journalists. Sechs Passagiere überlebten.

The Unglücksmaschine vom Freitag was a Turboprop-Passengerflugzeug vom Typ ATR 72. The model is a Schulterdecker of the French-Italian Konsortiums Avions de Transport Régional. In January 2023 I will be on the Absturz an ATR 72-500, which is located in Nepal at the Landeanflug at the Pokhara International Airport, 72 Insassen, four Besatzungsmitglieder.