
Have you traveled all the way to London?

Have you traveled all the way to London?

Am Piccadilly Circus, said man, could meet people anywhere; man must now that right time abpassen ... So früh am Morgen were dort damals aber noch nichte anzureffen. Let a Bobby vorbei play for a while.
Am Piccadilly Circus, said man, could meet people anywhere; man must now that right time abpassen … So früh am Morgen were dort damals aber noch nicht alles anzutreffen. Let a Bobby vorbei play for a while. © Hans Georg Knapp

Reading time

BBV Editor Hans Georg Knapp is busy creating a route through the Alleinfahrt nach London.
BBV Editor Hans Georg Knapp is busy creating a route through the Alleinfahrt nach London.©Sven Betz

The young man was “immediately in search”, but he did not know yet, “what he really wanted”. For 15 years it has been going a little better. That was in the summer of 1988, Swiss military service and consumer education. If you urgently ask to roast, it is possible that I will “feel” too much. There is a war that does not happen very often, but that is another history.

My journey after the war in London is an ever greater fahrt, it was all a while ago. In England war was waged by four times weresen, where the leadership and the organizer of the organization were taken over. This war is German; if I use Ostend, there is a Schlafplatz in London in a youth hostel that organizes organizations: Die een waren belegt, while others nahmen grundsätzlich had no reservations. „Eine Reise ins Ungewisse“, said in the mirror, as the journey after the best of Dover.

Old coat of arms

Selfies were never in fashion, and so said a single photo, which on the London trip of my greatest power, a Pair of Feet (with Shoes!), which appeared on the vast majority of the Bank and the Railing-lehnen. It is always so that these photos and other photos make that journey, which lasted 36 years – a self-portrait of documentaries. Falls Sie jetzt an Drogen denken sollten: Die kommen hier nicht vor.

Anstelle a Selfies Füße und Schuhe als Bildmotiv an der Reling. The journey from Ostend to Dover was sunny.
Anstelle a Selfies Füße und Schuhe als Bildmotiv an der Reling. The journey from Ostend to Dover was sunny.© Hans Georg Knapp

In London, the Tipp, with the Central Line of the U-Bahn to East Acton, is eight stations west of Oxford Circus. If you’re out of the area, it’s true that you can’t google anymore, but that’s 18 minutes. Damal’s kam sie mir fell longer. Während meines zehntägigen Aufenthalts habe ich diese Strecke zurückgelegt: tomorrow in Richtung City of London, abends zurück. Denn in East Acton was perjured, the name “Tent City” comes to war: They are fighting from alten Armeezelten with Doppelstockbetten. Dort übernachtfood backpack tourists, students, fell light on Geringverdiener. Die Nacht kostenskätzungsweise four bis fünf Pfund; That was 1988 etwa 12 to 15 DM.

“The London Underground”, the London U-Bahn, which was released in the summer of 1988. Especially the consequences of the design of the U-Bahn station
“The London Underground”, the London U-Bahn, which was released in the summer of 1988. Especially that you fell during the design of the U-Bahn station “Baker Street”. In Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels the legendary detective lives in Baker Street 221 b.© Hans Georg Knapp

Manner prison in the neighborhood

The Tageszeitung „The Independent“ described „Tent City“ in the summer of 1994 as „einsames, leeres Feld in een heruntergekomenen Gegend with minimal ortlichen Einrichtungen“, „with their community and a dust block“. Das Gästebuch der Einrichtung – 1971 gegründet – sei “full of views over schmutzige Duschen, Toiletten und Kochgelegenheiten”. In the summer of 1988, it was not clear: In unmittelbarer Nähe lies a mangefängnis with the two-dimensional safety of four security students.

Was my mother ever a modern Charles Dickens novel? Ich the war you invented, was never a reason to work in Tent City. While I am busy with another war with a German Helferin, I am now dying with a woolen neck. It is not ironic when you talk to the foreigners – it is a fact that you understand this. You will not find photos of Tent City in my photo album; erschien mir offenbar keiner Erinnerung wert.

“You look French”

Der Wachwechsel am Buckingham Palace is shown in the Bilderbuch. Neither Damals nor the Queen of Sagas hates.
Der Wachwechsel am Buckingham Palace is shown in the Bilderbuch. Neither Damals nor the Queen of Sagas hates.© Hans Georg Knapp

I spent my time working in London, looking forward to seeing each other again. Photos are reconstructed: Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Downing Street, Buckingham Palace (with Wachwechsel), Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Tower Bridge, Fleet Street, St. Paul’s, Green Park (where Tent City was founded), Dickens’ House… Überall kam ich mir etwas lost vor. The Lindenberg song is a “comic scene” that is red, the anti-hero in free time. Was das der Abstand, nach dem ich sighed?

Tower Bridge at night. As a photographer I am fast and have less light.
Tower Bridge at night. As a photographer I am fast and have less light.© Hans Georg Knapp
A greyhorn -
A Grauhörnchen – “Squirrel” was born – in the Green Park. A war is being waged against tourists and they are being asked to leave: Bei seiner Erdnuss-Mahlzeit (die für Eichhörnchen-Mägen nicht so gut sein soll) ließ sich das Tier nicht stören. The photo is on the next page.© Hans Georg Knapp

Dann kam jene Rückkehr nach East Acton, who was neither for Augen: Auf dem Weg nach Tent City met and a young woman, who wuchtet a Kühlschrank during my Vorgarten. If I help him, speak in French and: “C’est très lourd”, that’s it. I wonder if the fragment is: Would you not like it in English? “You look French,” you say, that’s French. Auf dem Rückweg grüble ich darüber nach. In Tent City mine Bettnachbarn crumbles, a big kanadier, nach seiner Meinung. Er grinned and said: “You just look like yourself.”

Stressful start-up

Soon, my London was gone. Fast over the night I was sozazagen meine ab – keine weitere Nacht mehr in Tent City, ich in meinem Schlafsack shivering and aus Sorge, bestohlen zu be, nur open-flächlich schlief.

At the Victoria Station, which is on the sunny side of Dover, I had my last night’s sleep: My photography is a Dutzend roter Doppeldeckerbusse an der Victoria Bus Station and in the Bahnhofshalle die Werbung for a Kanalquerung per Luftkissenboot. When you move, you can see non-stop three different boats and sit there Julius Cäsar: “I came – I saw – I conquered”, I came, saw, saw.

Double decker bus at night at the Victoria Bus Station, straight to Victoria Station. It looks different from the London double decker. These photos are nice
Double-decker bus at night at the Victoria Bus Station, straight to Victoria Station. He sees the London double-decker differently. This photo makes me think of “Last train to London”, another song by the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO). When war occurs, there is talk of war: Ich wartete auf den eersten Zug ab London (in Richtung Dover).© Hans Georg Knapp

The “Sieg” file on the Werbe table can place the air cushion boat into the air cavity normally. Habe ich nach meiner Ankunft in London “geehen” en “gesiegt”? My fleeting Abreise (ohne Luftkissen) spricht dagegen. That’s why I am at the Bahnhof with my little ones: I dare with my Schlafsack do not lie on the Boden. Auch Lindenberg’s leading man struts as an Ausreißer irgendwann in a “calten Bahnhofshalle”. The image is gleichen sich.

The environment is not guilty

The young man in 1973, when the London journey through history was made, is no longer one of the biggest lies – it may have even ended up more on a selber. When I look at the entire flight to London, this is a fact. The next song is called: “And now lies a book by Hermann Hesse”. This scripture storyteller has found a number of tattoos in his place.