
Seat-Cupra-fahrt im first Halbjahr a Rekordgebnis ein

Seat-Cupra-fahrt im first Halbjahr a Rekordgebnis ein

The Spanish car manufacturer has a long way to profitability in the first years of 2024 and in the month of January to June had the best financial financial prospects, which would improve the ongoing volume control at the Cupra and Seat brands. For the first half year, Seat SA can win a bet of 406 million euros (first half year 2023: 371 million euros, +9.4 percent), so the VW-Tochter in an active Mitteilung. The value of the value has fallen to 5.2 percent (+0.2 percent points added over January to June 2023). The Gesamtumsatz der Seat SA believed at 7.75 billion euros, an increase of 4.6 percent added over the previous year (7.41 billion euros) was purchased.

Our intensive work to support our strong support is the best way to achieve the best results throughout the day, a brand new Meilenstein in our current context“, said Wayne Griffiths, CEO of Seat and Cupra. “Both brands Seat and Cupra are a step further than a scaffolding in their further equipment. If you want to make a trip in the direction of the electric power supply, you can use a product palette with a new model in those years.

The way of Seat SA has become more profitable with the best betriebsergebnis, the highest Umsatz and the best Umsatzrendite in eenem ersten Halbjahr in the Geschichte des Unternehmens fort“, explains David Powells, Head of Finance and IT at Seat SA “Nothing disastrously surprised us because of the outside environment and the very challenging competitive situation. One of our insights is that we have never had a German on our strategic priority: management and efficiency management.“

Beständiges Wachstum der Auslieferungen rears Finanzergebnisse

The continued support for the Cupra and Seat brands at Seat SA is a constant support for financial performance. The January-June figure of 297,400 cars was an increase of 13.8 percent collected in the previous quarter (H1 2023: 261,400). Electric car sales rose to 45,900, a plus of 36.1 percent compared to the first half of 2023 (33,800), further due to the expected follow-up of the company’s plug-in hybrid.

The Challenger-Brand Cupra has won its prize, selling 125,700 American cars as the best first Halbjahr in its history – up 17.2 percent in 2023 (107,300). Der Erfolg der Marke führte im Juni zum bisherigen Höchstwert von 27.500 Auslieferungen. Since the year 2018, Cupra has won more than 650,000 cars and the reputation of Seat SA is constantly growing.

Cupra Formentor is the bestseller

The Cupra Formentor has reached a value of $ 61,700 in the first years that the world’s largest model has been sold. Ihm followed the Cupra Leon Family with 36,000 dollars, was a Steigerung of 59.8 Prozent gegenüber dem first Halbjahr 2023 entspricht. The new version of both models will further strengthen the position of the brand in Europe. Deutschland konnte met 42,000 ausgelieferten Autos (+30 Prozent) seine Position als beste Markt der Marke behaupten, folgt von Großbritannien (13,900; +22 Prozent) en Spanien (12,900; +13 Prozent).

The Marke Seat is celebrated in its position as the greatest power of the Unternehmens and can operate in its American Wachstum fortresses. Zwischen January und June lieferte Seat 171,700 Autos aus, 11.4 Prozent more als in Vorjahreszeitraum (154,200). The iconic Seat Ibiza ended its life in the year 40. Jubiläum feert, führt de Verkaufsstatistik der Marke with 56,300 sales figures Einheiten an (+29 Prozent gegenüber H1 2023), followed by Seat Arona with 50,400 sales. Spain is the largest market in the market (36,200; +2 percent), followed by Germany (35,200; +26 percent) and Great Britain (21,300; +34 percent).

Quelle: Seat – Press release from 02.08.2024