
Psychologists work at Mutterschutz nach Fehlgeburt

Psychologists work at Mutterschutz nach Fehlgeburt

Herz is a baby who is a little on his guard, but it is a strange hat. A so embarrassing silent Fehlgeburt. When preparing the activities in your family the party dies.

“That my world has changed completely,” reports Natascha Sagorski. “In my own Schwangerschaft everything was like this, who is soll. Mir was tomorrow übel. Ich hatte keine Blutung. My Körper hatte noch gar nicht realisiert, dass das Kind nicht meer lebt.” A tag after the diagnosis and the Ausschabung-statt; When the embryo and breast milk come out of the uterus, the risk of infections is greater than normal.

As Sagorski, after a fragment of the mental illness, wrote about the responsibility of the patient as follows: “You will have a healthy mental illness. You will be able to work tomorrow.” The war Satz went through with Natascha Sagorski was blieb. “At first I thought, I have to function,” he said. “Dann use ich, dass ich das nicht kann.”

Jede dritte Frau ist affected

In 2022, Sagorski started a petition for staggered Mother Protection, which was established by the Bundesrat. Before the summer break, the states were an entity and the Bundesregierung began, while the unified Mother Protections were deutlich after a fehlgeburt before the 20. Woche fordern. This is the case: If you make the Frau-schwanger war last longer, the Mother Protection will last longer.

According to international statistics and estimates of the robberies of women’s doctors, every woman thinks that it is a crime in her life.

An official statistical company is not: Aktuell bekommen Frauen, de kinder-während der Schwangerschaft-verlieren, first thenn Mutterschutz, when she connected with the 24. Schwangerschaftswoche erreicht had, also in 7. Monat sind, or wenn das tote Kind more as 500 Gramm wog . Below the first part of this time point it is a notification light.

Totaler Schock und geplatzter Lebenstraum

“Für die meisten Frauen ist een Fehlgeburt a totaler Schock and a geplatzter Lebenstraum”, said psychologist Kathryn Eichhorn, who taught more research on the theme of leitet and the surrounding people of Fehlgeburten at the Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich. If you notice the Gefühl, it was a false power over your health.

Mutterschutz auch nach frühen fehlgeburten sei deshalb “überfällig”, find the Forscherin. If this is the case, it is a voluntary statement: “If you work with your wife in such a situation as you are able to do so, you will continue to have a good life.” You will never again meet a woman who will have lost her life and her kind.

When most women look at their psychotherapeutic practice, the treatment with Arzt is not a problem, but Eichhorn. Allerdings mangele es manchmal an Einfühlsamkeit: “The truth is, the gynecologists have not become more aware of this, anyway, the herz is no longer schlägt. Sie since here with my own Hilflosigkeit konfrontiert.”

We have seen a feeling of the Versagens

Many women started in the Umfeld after they had left the world, but it was first then the Schwangerschaft as a relatively stable gilding. You will often have to choose a theme, which you often have to do with forks. “Man has dadurch das Gefühl, bei all others funktioniert es. Nur Du hast versachtt”, said Sagorski, the mittlerweile zweifache Mutter ist.

When women are in the world, when they have a Fehlgeburt litten, die in the first three months of the state funds, so Eichhorn. The man who has never been like that, “is for the environment of now nothing. For the woman is life with baby but only part of your fantasy”, said Eichhorn.

Different trauer processes

The pampering of a baby can be a disease making: Women have in the middle of the disease a high risk, an anxiety disorder, a depression or a trauma follow-up in life, so the therapy – moreover, if there is a huge disorder. The mourning process is largely very uneven; every now and then the partnership is very burdened, every now and then the lust is combined. It is an incomprehensible machine that tells the woman before the Fehlgeburt the war or the night.

When the psychological signal occurs, it is the protection of the mother who waits on the 12th. We became so, so Eichhorn: “Damn would the mother role not work.” If the madness of the sparrows, one of the probable labors of the können, on the day of the shame feeling intensifies, the affected woman is often hätten: “‘Mit meinem körper stimmunt etwas nicht, ich cann kein Kind austragen.'”

Perpetrator Umgang with Theme Fehlgeburt

The expert advocates an attack with the theme. This can no longer be tolerated. If you have never met a woman on a broader stand, if you delve into the circumstance that you have. “It is a Schutzmechanism. The own end is for the human spirit – further than a time point, when life begins.”

Some of the Federal Government and the Federal Government have a graduated Mutterschutz einführen, kämen laut Beechnungen des Vereins der Innungskrankenkassen IKK Costs in the height of the insgesamt knapp 30 Millionen Euro on the gesetzlichen Kranken- and Umlagekassen zu. Nurdings now, if all those affected Frauen die Möglichkeit auch in Anspruch nähmen, womit laut Kassen nicht zu rechnen ist.

Esperanza ist das Beratungs- und Hilfenetz voor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft in Erzbistum Köln.

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