
Mao Cult in China: Progress in the “Großen Steuermann”

Mao Cult in China: Progress in the “Großen Steuermann”


Status: 10.08.2024 08:48

The Chinese metropolis of Wuhan began with a great veranstaltung and the Maos legend Bad in the Yangtse-Fluss. The catastrophic time, the time that follows, is no longer in Theme.

Jörg Endriss

Zhou Hanhua is in Badehose am Flussufer in the Chinese Millionen-Metropole Wuhan, his muskulöser Körper goudfarbent bemalt, a rote Fahne in der Hand. “Auf geht’s, Leute!”, shouts in the Menschenmenge in Badekleidung and Neoprenanzügen. The 48-year-old fitness trainer from Wuhan is participating in a summer Schwimm event as a rettungsschwimmer. Knapp 2,000 Chinesinnen und Chinese wollen sich dieses Mold in the Yangtse stürzen – one of the long Flüsse der Welt – trotz seiner reisßenden Strömung.

“You swam the first four hundred meters, but it will be driven again,” Zhou said. “Then it is a fact. Why is the machine? It is a tradition in Wuhan, the power is spared and is good for fitness and well-being. An analysis is, when Mao swam in Yangtze in 1966.”

Zhou Hanhua hat is for bathing in the Yangtze gold-colored bemalt.

“I am a fan of Mao”

The Damascus War Mao Zedong, the communist founder of the People’s Republic of China, has been preparing for 73 years – and actually on his political Altenteil. His Jump in the Yangtze, a documentary document by photographers, says that it is not that you take it into account. Another policy that will not suffer losses, will probably never be solved again. The war that followed was the Cultural Revolution – a catastrophic time for China. So it is a communist party that describes itself simply.

In Wuhan, Maos Bad in Fluss has long become a popular sports tradition. Since then, tomorrow we will form 27 groups with separate alternating classes. From 8 o’clock tomorrow and the thermometer said at 37 Grad. Water cannons that cause the Hitze for the Publikum are machines and zeichnen with the Sprühnebel Regenboogen in de Luft. Drachentänzer turned into a spectacle.

Einpeitscher auf der Bühne versuchen, good Laune zu verbreiden, en rufen de Teilnehmern Parolen zu. “Lasst uns gemeinsam den Yangtse überwinden – auf Wuhan, Stadt der Helden.” So when Wuhan was born in China, the coronavirus was heavily publicized. If you take a flight, you will have a dry smell in the air, for the local average photo machine. Influencer reason for your handy ein. Der Fernsehkanal von Wuhan überträgt live.

“I am very happy and will be happy here again – in my joyful life,” says Rentner Liu Zhiping. “I am a sad Fan of Mao.”

“With 73 years in such a flurry of success”, it is my duty to be a team member, “that’s what Mao said, that Mao had the right kind of setup, and that’s the problem.”

As if China has fallen into chaos

The Schwimmer climb the Stufen zum Fluss-hinab. Then we recruit the bodies for a signal in the flutes. Dutzende Rettungsboote cross the route. The current is so grim that the group in its yellow bathing areas is abandoned as quickly as possible.

1,300 meters of air line is a breakthrough of another goal. The current pushes the Schwimmer but very quickly seven kilometers downriver. 45 minutes use used athletes to do so. Everything, the parts, must ensure that the tests are absolute – a certainty, that they can use the waves.

Mao goes with the bad signal, it is the inner unity that can help the camp forces. Vertraute bauten einen Führerkult um ihn auf. “Der grote Steuermann”, which was created, ief de Jugend auf, sich in “Roten Garden” together with the partner organization. The Land sank into civil war chaos.

Quickly jeder sweet Gefahr, as a “capitalist” or “Rechtsabweichler” denies and will become a massive transformation. Families with different backgrounds are also common. Schools and universities were closed. If Mao may be wrong, the youth in the country’s region will be affected. A generation generation blieb der Zugang will get a higher image of the verwehrt.

Mao Zedong through the Yangtze – and last photos: 1966 was an effective signal and a competition.

Xi sees himself in the Maos tradition

Even the highest president and general secretary of the communist parties, Xi Jinping, wants to work in Leiden as a young man. If it doesn’t work, the experience and power of the Chinese communist participating parties is no greater than that of the world and it is a matter of doing.

“Without Mao no new China”, he is früher. He proclaims Xi has never chosen a “new world” for the country and the development of China by catapulting investments in high technology into a new era. A start has been made with the development of the American economy and the state leader Deng Xiaoping as a consequence of the cultural revolution.

Everything is in Wuhan and that day no theme. Many Chinese have made a comment about Maos’s Schwimmleistung, and that would be like that, only on the edge. “I can see the atmosphere here,” says Wang Ziyun’s Schwimmtrainer. On Wang Yang’s 33rd birthday he could learn even more, such a veranstaltung teilzunehmen and dafür to ​​train.

Begeistert is Zhou Hanhua, der mit Seiner Gruppe and others Ufer aus the Fluten Steigt. The golden Körperbemalung ist also vom schlammigen Wasser des Yangtse nicht bewashen. “It was a wonderful experience – I was completely happy, but I was very happy,” he said. There are many sports that are larger in the middle point of stehen. Provided the details of the description it is true that it is not possible to use.