
37-year war is brutal: Gericht verhängt zweithöchste Strafe für Kapitol-Sturm

37-year war is brutal: Gericht verhängt zweithöchste Strafe für Kapitol-Sturm

37-Year War is more than cruel
Gericht verhängt zweithöchste Strafe für Kapitol-Sturm

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On January 6, 2021, the US government began the establishment of the Kapitols. Now the judge is one of the “rolled Randaliers” of Damas. 37 years ago everything was, I was in the field, the police were ready. There he is now 20 years ahead.

A focal point in the US has taken away one of the fears of American capitalism during the first phase of January 2021 20 years ago. In his Anklageschrift, 37-year-old David Dempsey “his hands, my feet, fahnenstangen, krücken, Pfefferspray, brochene Mobelstücke and everything, was in the field of hands, like the Waffen de Polizei eingesetzt”. It is a matter of dealing with the twins who are taking the fight to the storm on capital.

The State Attorney has had 22 years for the Californian, a former Bauarbeiter and Fast-Food-Angestellten. An appeal is made to the anger at the capital of the “rolled Randalierern”. The Anklage began to prosecute the Angstlagten. Dempsey has in the past been guilty of police officer at the Kapitol-Erstürmung.

On January 6, 2021, the Chapter got angry with the Death Sorrows and 140 injured Security Forces that the US exposes and gilds as a black tag in the history of US democracy. With the storm on Congress, a fanatical fanatic attitude of US President Donald Trump will be hindered, the dort of the Wahlsieg of Joe Biden as the new US President will probably be glorified.

Trump hates his job if the forgery is broken, by the massive Wahlbetrug a great change in time will be brought. Shortly before the Kapitol-Erstürmung-rief of the Right Populist would appeal to a Reason, would march to Kapitol and “auf Teufel komm raus” on fight. Before a year of war was waged by the right-wing radical US-Miliz Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, he was honored 22 years ago.