
Ulmerin stands for the night

Ulmerin stands for the night

If you start, the situation will quickly get out of hand, while Mona K. (name changed) raises herself about the writing chair in the apartment. The lonely mother is stiched, one of the postponed results is seduced. A gleichzeitig is his Mimik-gezeichnet von Wut, Trauer, Hilflosigkeit.

Krebsdiagnosis riss der Familie den Boden unter den Fußen weg

Before you can enjoy the world in which you meet years later in your life, you say Ulmerin with Tränen in August. The diagnosis: Brustkrebs – with metastases in the Wirbelsäule. Die Aussichten were schlecht – nog ikimmer ist Mona K. in Behandlung.

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“I don’t know much anymore,” said Mona K. “Aber I have a grim signal – for my own Tochter.” After all, I am not happy with both of them. Kurz nach der Diagnose hat Mona K. ihren Job lost. If the Arbeitgeber has become “blöderweise”, it is likely that it is so.

The next step is the next step: the allerinerziehende and your new way are the best to get out of the Miewohnung mode as quickly as possible. Aktuell weiß Mona K. do not continue. “I am looking for someone to grab a straw.”

Schlapp weighs Krebsbehandlung und Medikamenten

During the regular therapies and the many medications you use, you are often helped. Die Schmerzen: a standard companion. “I have to lie a lot because of that”, said Mona K. But as a mother you have to function day by day.

Ihre Tochter Luisa (Name ebenfalls geändert) is in the nötigen Antrieb – besides, wenn es schwierig ist für die krankte Alleinerziehende, de Alltag of both zu bewältigen. When you switch on the “Engine”, continue.

“Sie braucht mich”, concretet sie. “Aus Stolz has heard Hilfe for a long time. Aber jetzt muss ich.’ For all the time Ihrer Tochter may Mona K. prefer to remain anonymous. “I will be very careful about the history of fun,” he said.

Tochter sparrow fell zurückstecken

If you tend to go and enjoy many friends, then your hobby – the fighting sport – if you want more, or a bigger trauma of the flight, the huge situation is burdened. “It comes down to spending the night in your life. You have fear, that I will die”, reports Mona K.

It boils down to you spending the night in your life.

Mona K.

“Sie muss fell zurückstecken”, she says. “It is not that it is so.” It is not one of the things that occurs in your Gezondenheit, nor in Geldsorgen. Anyway, that’s all, that’s how Luisa is so good who couldn’t get more beets. „Wir müssen jeden Cent zweimal udrehen“, says that.

Bruder unterstützt in den Ferien

Da tut jede Ablenkung gut. It was worth helping Mona K. with her work, because it was a Luisa kümmert. “We have a small escape from Lake Constance,” Mona K. reported.

Aus Stolz has heard Hilfe for a long time. Aber jetzt muss ich.

Mona K.

The small standard work, which is concrete, has enormous consequences for his new life. “You can be friends with them, you can be in the holidays so unforgettable.”

Family withdraws from its

I am Alltag steht Mona K. aber meist alone da. Once the diagnosis has been made, the person can have Umfeld’s abgewandt from his heart. Auch ihre komplette Family – bis auf ihren Bruder, sagt sie.

The father of the little ones can no longer erase a species. There is something that is not right, but Help can no longer know what happened. “Now I fight alone with my daughter,” said Mona K.

Vermieter will come from the Wohnung

If the worries are not greater, then it will not work anymore. “Our landlord will be out of the house for a long time,” he said. Last month she was looking for a new home.

Denn Mona K. reports about executors Mangeln in der Wohnung. There is no washing damage, mold and leaky windows are the smallest part here.

It will be stubborn in der Schwebe.

Mona K.

“Rats and Mäuse since they were our Dauergast”, said and deutet on the kitchen table, where the Chamber Hunters will be present again. Take a look at the following: Over the still-alloyed Kachelofen, the Tiere vom Dach end in the Wohnung. Inspired hat Mona K. den Schacht temporarily covered. A Dauerzustand is no more.

Because the man has reported that it is normal for his vermiter to be unconscious, he says. Zum 31. July flatterte non die schriftliche Kündigung ins Haus. “We live our own lives in the world,” said Mona K., who had an interest in this page.

Krankenkasse bezahlt Zusatz-Therapie nicht

Sickness, money and health care: Diese Dreifachbelastung setze ihr zu, sagt Mona K. Because everything is bestmöglich zu votes, will die Mutter zörperlich wieder einigermaßen fit.

Take care of the care you take during this time – all-round treatment – Therapiemöglichkeit vorgeschlagen. “The Krankenkasse won’t have that at all,” says Mona K. Diese Zusatz-Therapie can offer more quality of life in the fall.

It is worth warning Mona K. about her own Tasche. “Das Geld habe ich aber nicht”, that’s it.

In this Verzweiflung it is time for Faust to be present a spending campaign in life is running. You should know that the therapy cannot last longer.

If it is the case that you can find another home, you will find the highest priority, if that is what you want.

Let’s go back to normal. If you are sick, you will be sick. And one thing is still true. However, if it didn’t work to bring Hilfe from another life, that’s the case.