
Table tennis women in the game is a bronze or chance

Table tennis women in the game is a bronze or chance

The war against the odds, after the Dutch armed forces in the Bronze Match against South Korea is clear: The DTTB started in 2004 on the Olympic medal.

Neben der Platte uarmten sie de glücklichen South Korean women, theneben saßen sie German Frauen eng beisammen en leckten ihre Wunden. At the moment when Xiaona Shan’s Einzelniederlage makes war clear: There are no bronze medals for the German tennis frauen. The festival will continue: The German Tischtennis-Bund will continue since 20 years of Olympic Edelmetal.

The favorite South Korean women were ahead of the German team of Yuan Wan, Xiaona Shan and Annett Kaufmann in the game on a place that was a big number. 3:0 finished the final score, only on two occasions the German athletes could compete.

“We have sold a toll”, the Bundestrainer said in Tamaro Boros after the semi-final defeat against Japan (1:3). “We have been prepared to play in South Korea and have a chance” – proud of our future. It’s different.

In the south arena at the Paris Messegelände Expo Porte de Versailles, Yuan Wan and Xiaona Shan zum Auftakt in Doppel against Yubin Shin and Jihee Jeon fought first and last in his game. Then aber drehten si auf: Nach einem 0:2-Rückstand schafften sie with an energieleistung den Ausgleich – um itself then but conceivable clever 2:3 geschlagen geben zu müssen (6:11, 8:11, 11:8, 12:10 , 8:11).

In the mission, the war nun Annett Kaufmann was fragmented, while Turnier won all his fun a duel. Against Eunhye Lee, the 18-years went to 0:3 (8:11, 9:11, 2:11) but in your Borders view.

Jihee Jeon was able to make everything clear against Xiaona Shan now – and the South Korean was very cool: With a clear 3:0 result (11:6, 11:6, 11:6) the South Korean table tennis women secured their first Olympic medal of the year 2008.

Nachwuchshoffnung Kaufmann überragt

In Paris, it hates the German Mannschaft with problems of abandonment hereumschlagen müssen: Before the beginning of the Sportfestes war Annett Kaufmann for Topkraft Ying Han (Riss der Achillessehne) nachgerückt; Montag killed Yuan Wan through the connection with Nina Mittelham.

Trotzdem played in the DTTB-Damen zum drRITen Mal nacheinander in an Olympic semi-final. If you play 3:2 in the US Eight-Count Final, the Four-Count Final can be sieged at 3:1.

Großen Anteil daran hatte Nachwuchshoffnung Kaufmann with his strong Leistungen in Einzel. The party working in South Korea is “of some genius,” that is. Das Happy End is all blieb aus.