
Ex-Sport Gymnast über Olympiasiegerin: “War within itself” – that is what Magdalena Brzeska zum Gold von Darja Varfolomeev

Ex-Sport Gymnast über Olympiasiegerin: “War within itself” – that is what Magdalena Brzeska zum Gold von Darja Varfolomeev

Darja Varfolomeev is the first to win Deutsche Gold in Rhythmic Sport Gymnastics. Did Magdalena Brzeska dazu die in Atlanta in 1996 during the war in Olympia? Go train with the ex-gymnastics.

Sports: Dirk Preiß (dip)

In 1998 Magdalena Brzeska played the best sports gymnasts of the world, 1996 turned around at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. He trains his young sports gymnastics – and knows Darya Varfolomeev. “Sie,” said Brzeska über die Olympiasiegerin, “is a complete Gymnastin.”