
Bahnrad: Friedrich im Sprint-Halbfinal – Hinze raus |

Bahnrad: Friedrich im Sprint-Halbfinal – Hinze raus |

Status: 10.08.2024 20:11

The eight evil world master Lea Sophie Friedrich from Mecklenburgische Dassow is at the Olympic Bahnrad-Wettbewerben on medal course. During the 24th edition of the Freitag Weltrekord in the 200-meter qualification war, you go to the Viertelfinal against the Kanadierin Kelsey Mitchell who wins in the second part of the battle. My team colleague Emma Hinze from Hildesheim went to the duel with the Neuelandische Keirin-Olympiasiegerin Ellesse Andrews in zwei Läufen and scored. | 10.08.2024 20:10

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