
So Bargeld stood out for the Notfall registry

So Bargeld stood out for the Notfall registry

There is a big chance that a big blackout will occur in Germany, which can be very small. If you can solve local problems or catastrophes, it can happen that you will get a problem. There are no Lebensmitteln, Wasser and any Gadgets on Bargeld.

So Bargeld stood out for the Notfall in Haus haben

It is in Germany or in the past that a blackout or a catastrophe is a fact, but it works quickly more. I can not but a beispielsweise also never again with a card or an amount of money from the machines. Therefore work on the Federal Office for Population Protection and Catastrophe Assistance (BKK), that is a certain Mix and Money in the House has tolltet, a Notfall nor something to pay for can. A concrete is the end of the BBK. Make sure that you move in the direction of the orientation of the eastern protection associations.

We strongly recommend that you That’s 500 euros in small quantities so that you can settle. The summer is so high that people in the main house may look a little in the direction of the Ausgaben. So make sure that you can still pay your food and other goods for a few days, even if the current has gone out and you can no longer take anything away. If you have found a suitable Geldversteck solution, it is not so easy to find something.

With a solar generator that enables a connection to Stromnetz Energie:

So repeat your euch on the Blackout for

However, once a blackout or a notfall comes, solltet ihr bestimmte Vorräte and Geräte besitzen. Here it is not that it is that the preparation has begun, but now there is a certain amount of food and fresh water, which can be provided in case of emergency for several days. If you can not use the regularity of use and the new amount of soft drinks. Was this a problem and was one of the recommendations of the Bundesregierung, which merged here. A Bundeswehr general has received a tip.

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