
Spielvereinigung Unterhaching: Einziges Ziel: Klassenerhalt – Landkreis München

Spielvereinigung Unterhaching: Einziges Ziel: Klassenerhalt – Landkreis München

So what it is like to start the football-driving game association in the new season has never happened before: Zum Auftakt setzte es bij de zweiten Mannschaft von Borussia Dortmund a 0:3-Pleite, dadurch stürzten die Rot-Blauen, die in der Vorsaison if Aufsteiger Rang does not invest, it will be on the letzten Platz ab. For President Manfred Schwabl, this is an experience that lasts a long time nor is it surreal: “So it is a pleasure to see the result and it is not beautiful.” This is because of the Gelb-Roten Karte gegen Sebastian Maier who had great results, cashier in the 86. Minute in Unterzahl then still that 0:1 and after the Entblößen der Abwehr two more Gegentore. “If you are a man, you will have to deal with dilettantes,” says Boss Schwabl.

Saturday is getting better now, the home premiere is going to a match with an upper Bavarian derby: FC Ingolstadt, who took part in the opening match, is the guest, welcomed by the first female head coach in German professional football, the 33-year-old Sabrina Wittmann. It was more than 6,000 minutes’ drive to the responsible for the first Saisonspiel in the Sportpark, which is a time of 14 hours. And if the Dauerkarten have power over the SpVgg Fortschritte, he might be able to buy some season tickets, and Manager Philipp Muschiol mit.

The Security Concept could not fail. A number of paintings were carried out, which performed the music on a small hand lung, which were also performed on the basis of the presentations for them Anpfiff des Derbys gegen the TSV 1860 Munich, as a banner an air hanging, let it all run. In Sachen Parkplätze, the Richtlinien is a fact: in areas with more than 3000 greift a Durchfahrtsperre, which is gold plated in front of the Gauss-Allee and the Straße Am Sportpark vom Edeka-Supermarkt. In September, the Parkplatz S1 am Stadion disappeared, while the Municipality established a Behelfs-Baubetriebshof. “There are always 3,500 parking spaces for renovation,” says Muschiol, one of the top drivers: Nicolas Grebe has a new technical management team that has developed a security and traffic concept and has now secured a major project in Munich. .

Viele Baustellen: Unterhachings President Manfred Schwabl. (Photo: Sven Leifer/Imago/foto2press)

Abzuwarten bleibt indes, inwiefern the Nervenkostüm der Hachinger Anhänger in dieser Saison led. “It’s a lie that the Klassenerhalt signal,” says trainer Marc Unterberger, “we have a lot of success.” It was a lie that he had a bigger Umbruch-stattgefunden hat in the Rot-Blauen team. “Einige Säulen sind wegbrochen, die de Konstrukt geragen haben”, says Markus Schwabl, Sohn des Presidenten and sozusagen nebenberuflich as Sportdirector für die Kaderplanung responsible. It may be a little more that young players play professionally with a mistake. We were unable to find Tim Knipping, 31, a member of the team, nor a veteran firefighter from SV Sandhausen. If the Verantwortlichen zätzlich Mut might, is the good Fitness, the Framework auszeichnet: “Wir since körperlich robust, that is one Währung, with our in the Liga bezahlen wollen”, said Trainer Unterberger.

And then another double treatise, the coup of Manfred Schwabls with Sandro Wagner for the three years that there is: The Bender-Zwillinge Lars and Sven, who had played the first in the Jugend der SpVgg, are available again at TSV 1860 Munich for professional and national games, as well as the Unterhachinger trainers. Lars is responsible for the U17 in the DFB-Nachwuchsliga, one of the three assistants of chief coach Unterberger. In the season is Co-Trainer of Edin Terzic at Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League final erreicht.

Stitch in Herz der Sechziger: Ex-Löwe ​​​​Sven Bender schloss sich ebenso wie are Zwillingsbruder Lars in the summer of the Trainerstab der SpVgg Unterhaching an. (Photo: Revierfoto/Imago)

If a fanforen in the net are sich low-fans have beschwert, man die both Identification figures not and the Grünwalder Straße much konnte. Haching is a small revenge that summer in Patrick Hobsch, Verteidiger Raphael Schifferl and Torwart René Vollath wechselten three Kicker vom Sportpark nach Giesing. From the Bender-Deal der rot-blauen Ziele gut: “It’s clear, the man who is present is not interested, but we will be happy with both of them in contact,” said Sportdirector Schwabl junior. ‘Spieler met Karrieren, when the Benders are on their hinges, doesn’t even come like that. They will erase everything completely.” And the Unterberger laughs: “The money that you have is not destined for the destruction of your own life.”

Bayern-Kooperation und Stadion-Kauf bliebben weiterhin Hängepartien

It is a financial German besser aus: Lizenz has a lighter view of the future, president Manfred Schwabl will read the las. The man has earned more money during the sale of playground equipment and earned 760,000 euros with an amount of 2.95 million dollars at the top of the managed Liga, with the DFB who made the promise of the German U21 player. This is a bare amount of money from the cooperation with FC Bayern – after we would have received the rightful right, with Manfred Schwabl with his service. “In our country, patience is always required in negotiations. “

On the other side of the major project of the gaming association, the inspections of the stadiums, it is not a new wasserstandsmeldung. The price of the community is 7.56 million euros for the installation of 42,000 quadratmeters in the room. “Der Gemeinderat is yes in the Summer Pause”, said the Club Boss, after all, there are only a few boats. While the Baugenehmigung for the Nachbargrundstück, on the Sportpark GmbH aims an Ärzte- and Bürohaus, this will not happen. This generation is an elementary part of the financing of stadium deals, which is part of the game association.