
Surreal Brasilianer, cooler Türke, kiffendes Maskottchen

Surreal Brasilianer, cooler Türke, kiffendes Maskottchen

The summer game in Paris is the Sonntag zu Ende, the largest sporting event of the World War is a spectacle on the Ebenen. A 16 fully-packed day of Olympia nieces with unique Eindhoven destinations, as well as large personal features, some Hingucker hat man who fell in love with him quickly.

The KURIER has never been as old as the Summer Olympics. Manche has changed the world of sport with its Auftritten in Paris, others brought a zum Staunen or Schmunzeln.

Das Foto der Spiele: Gabriel Medina schwebt

Man traute seinen Augen nicht, als man den Schnappschuss des Surfers Gabriel Medina sja. The Brazilian population has left the waters of the South African coast, but the prize is in the qualification the perfect Ritt for a perfect Welle, which for Tahiti is a great experience.

The French Übersee area collides with the ideal surfing experience for a big show. Jubeln dares Medina on Days after the Final: The Bronze Medal is wanted. A medal deserves to be another person: the photo (Jérôme Brouillet).

Internet hit of the game: Der lässige Türke

It goes fast, that Yusuf Dikeç Turkish Sportgeschichte schrieb. The first medal in the Olympic Skiing (Silver in the Mixed Team Competition with the Luftpistole) was quickly not achieved – it was also evident from the Art and Weise, which lasted 51 years in the Schießstand.

Olympia-Lieblinge: Surrealer Brasilianer, cooler Türke, kiffendes Maskottchen

The dike, one of the agents of the gendarmerie, checks completely on the Hilfsutensilien. State Special Instances for Precision Measurement Back is a normal problem, state clod-footed guards used for Geräuschunterdrückung is a completely small step, state stiffer Haltung and Special Clothing hadte is the hand in the bag of the training shoe. I’m on the internet with Yusuf Dikeç, so go viral. Hit.

Der Goldfisch der Spiele: Frankreichs neuer Held

Léon, der Vollprofi. Den Dieser Leon Marchand is a seltenes Exemplar im Wasser. The 22-year-old Franzose manages all Schwimmstile at World Class level. Damit is avancierte with four Gold Medals (Delfin, Brust and two Lagen-Distanzen) and a Bronze (Staffel) for Superstar Dieser Spiele and for new National Heroes of France. Die Vergleiche in Vorfeld mit Michael Phelps don’t be impatience.

Die Persönlichkeit der Spiele: Eine kleine Große

Simone Biles lose Paris as the 1st Olympian. But the sportswoman is no more than 1.42 meters taller than America. The 27s of the last century were a fulminant comeback, after they had suffered a mental problem in Tokyo.

When you see the masses, you see the celebrities in their Bann – including the political Botschaft. “I love my job” I write and play Donald Trump and, in my opinion, illegal immigrants in the US “schwarze Jobs übernehmen”.

Das Maskottchen der Spiele: Snoop Dogg

We will meet Phryge, an unidentified Etwas, when an American rapper sees the Olympia-Schauplätze as Bühne nutzt. Der 53-Jährige sollte für the Sender NBC As a commentator on the statements about the height – and it is no longer the case that the Fernsehanstalt functions.

Everywhere where Snoop Dog auftaucht – in swimming pools, in the Turnhalle or in Reiter’s uniform in Versailles –, there is a look and interest in itself. The NBC quote has appeared in Tokyo in 79 years. If Gage receives the US-Star 500,000 Dollar pro Tag – plus additional special awards.