
Citizen money: Mutter ruft Jobcenter and bowls in the Tränen

Citizen money: Mutter ruft Jobcenter and bowls in the Tränen

Alone, three children, no job – the life of Natascha from Bremen-Huchting is not so easy. Now, the protagonist of the RTL-Zwei-Bürgergeld-Doku “Hartz Rot Gold” is a problem with her two oldest children’s hats. If they both no longer work, it is urgent that they get a confession of debt, because they are powerful. But without a large financial means, there is no room for play space. Now Natascha will organize a Schwimmkurs in the Schulferien. It is a matter of time and effort to stop.

But Natascha hats Glück. There is no free Platze. 106 Euro for the Intensive Course per Child costs. Problem solved: The dreifache mumbles with the spits, schließlich since the Plätze rar gesät. All financing cannot complete the financing of the Schwimmkurse. 212 Euro since the Germans fell for the small budget of the Bürgergeld-Doku-Protagonistin. It now helps us to unite the Jobcenter or the Krankenkasse.

Jobcenter soll Schwimmunterricht bezahlen

There is a problem with the problem. If you need a first start in the fall, this is your go-to phone. De erhoffte schnelle Rückmeldung noch am seben Tag ist sei “schlecht”, so the Sachbearbeiterin am Telefon, sie möge but de Anmeldung verzögern. Worte, die de Arbeitslose fassungslos zurückließen.

+++ Citizen money: Paar gönnt sich three Gärten – zahlen darf Vater Staat +++

“Oh, I love the Jobcenter, I love it so soon,” the 36-year-old grins and mutters ironically. Zum Glück goes further than the Option Krankenkasse. And the customer could help. 82 Euro for the Kasse pro Kind. Money, that Natascha is more helpful and brighter, and children will be able to enjoy the important Schwimmunterricht.

Everything you need to know about your citizen’s money

A point of reference, after the time that the Tears come. “It is simply stressful with the children at the moment”, so Bremerin dies. A multifaceted situation. And now that it is no longer so, the child of the family is glad that it is freer, who its mother is.

RTL Zwei said the next “Hartz Rot Gold” with Natascha during the service day (July 30, 2024) at 8:15 p.m. This is the case at RTL Plus.