
FW Königswinter: Dachstuhlbrand in Rauschendorf for Einsatzkräfte

FW Königswinter: Dachstuhlbrand in Rauschendorf for Einsatzkräfte

The brand of the Dachstuhls is a family home in Königswinter-Rauschendorf and is Saturday evening at high temperatures with a temperature of 100 Einsatzkräften.

Hausbrand in Königswinter: Erheblicher Schaden,

In King’s Winter held a House fire in Rauschendorf that Einsatzkräfte stundenlang in Atem and hinterließ beträchtlichen Damen. Glücklicherweise doesn’t hurt People to Damage. A Dog could have been brought into security by a resident before that Fire Weather insert.

Einsatzdetails und Rettung des Hundes

The fire brigade was at the same time as the fire alarm, during the night the fire broke out Single-family homes to rise. Die Anwohnerin, die den Dog rettete, übergab in unharmed and dying Homeowners. A detour Firearms race Follow the instructions when entering and rinsing out the oven.

Ausmaß des Feuerwehreinsatzes

The Einsatzkräfte zur Brandbekämpfung bis zu four Strahlrohre and a Wenderohr über a Drehleiter one. It dies from one of the strong points Flue. Additional Nachlöschaktionen were notable, when discovering and hidden glutnester of Dachsegmente with Thermal imaging camera and Drohnentechnik localized. Unterstützung door zuätzliche Atemschutzträger aus Bad Honnef and the Trennung des Hauses vom Gas- und Stromnetz were Teil der Safety data.

Bewältigung und Abschluss des Einsatzes

After the more intensive investigation, the fight could start at 1:17 am. Stake was taken from the Unit Bockeroth to the fire brigade. The house would be very good and no longer in the area. The former resident has changed Undergrowth financed.

Einsatzkräfte und Unterstützung

Zahlreiche Feuerwehreinheiten, das DRK and the urban Temporary employment agency were in the entry. Those Dispatch der Helfer mit Getränken and Speisen inheritance durch das DRK Seven Mountains. Die Police Bonn has the To search of the Brandurache entered.