
Street Parade: This is how the Aufräumaktion functions

Street Parade: This is how the Aufräumaktion functions


barrel fall“Bis am Montagabend is not more zu recognisable, it was loose here”

After the Street Parade, the big parade begins. Eight private cleaning companies and the city are busy covering Hochtouren.

Jan Janssen
  • At the Street Parade, Zurich’s city center can be reacquainted. If you want to know everything, you can see what it’s like.

  • Make sure you have a big influence on how it works.

  • Let the beginning of the putzcrews begin the assembly and the lighting. Bis Montagabend must leave the city.

Letztes Jahr were 90 Tonnen Abfall, which took place an der Street Parade. It is likely that the Putzcrews will be present during their new years, the city will be able to record quickly in their future.

Dahinter steckt fell Organization, wie Stefan Epli vom Verein Street Parade Zürich sagt. Eight different private cleaning facilities such as Entsorgung und Recycling der Stadt Zurich (ERZ) have since been completed in Einsatz. Die Rechnung übernimmt der Verein – Kostenpunkt: 400,000 Francs.

Ab dem letzten Beat im Einsatz

Zwischen Feiern und Aufräumen verlieren de Putzcrews keine Zeit. «The Strassen became a Mitternacht, while the letzten Beat aus the Lautsprecherboxen, cleaned, soft drinks at 6.00 am the ‹normals› Traffic zurückgegeben were können», so Epli.

This era became a fact that all Food- and Getränkestände are abgebaut sein. “Einzig der Abbau der grossen Bühnen am Bellevue und Bürkliplatz wird bis Montagabend fertiggestellt,” says Epli.

The city sets the pace and gives the Verein de Abgabetermine des Festareals a. “If I am Montagabend, it is practically unrecognizable anymore, it was here two days before the war.”

ERZ with entsprechendem Dispositive in Einsatz

Auch ERZ is one of the best options. Bereits in Vorfeld hat the city organization of the Veranstalter at the Entwickeln of the Abfallkonzepts that are defeated, as Tobias Nussbaum, Mediensprecher von ERZ, said. «Selfweise couples with a Behälter auf dem Festgelände prepared», so Nussbaum.

The Street Parade is responsible for the waste management and cleaning of the festival perimeter, and for the general public ERZ. “Of course, this requires a comprehensive framework for our environment, which we can achieve with a comprehensive disposition,” says Nussbaum.

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