
Radsport: Dauerbrenner Kluge thinks not a Rücktritt

Radsport: Dauerbrenner Kluge thinks not a Rücktritt

Abgekämpft enttäuscht saß Roger Kluge op een Stuhl in Innenraum des Velodromes von Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, fertig met dem Radsport ist der Altmeister aber noch long nicht.

“I’m proud of everything that will happen sooner rather than later. I’m not sure yet,” said the 38-year-old, after the tragedy of the two Olympic medals after 2008 during the Sturz von Madison-Partner Theo Reinhardt was platzt war.

The 38-year-old players played the Olympic Games. 2008 the day of the Dauerbrenner from Eisenhüttenstadt prepared with a gerade of 22 years silver in the punk, but a further coup would be a fact. The end of the Olympic journey with the blessing is “truly” been. “Everything else is unrealistic, so weit vorauszuschauen.”

Nächste Woche in Berlin am Start

If it happens once first, it will take place in the following week at the German Meisterschaften in Berlin in dem eenen or andere Rennen and the Start gehen. Typical Kluge.

When you see Madison partner Reinhardt, it is fragile. The zefetzte Radhose offended a small Schürfwunde, which Reinhardt had sogezogen at his Sturz in der 20. von 200 Runden.

So the war that a camp with a medal has quickly lost, before it is even a rightful loss. In Tokyo, a Sturz had – as if Kluge had erased it – all dreams had to be left behind. “I have found a few more things and my end is reached. I want more,” says Kluge.

Kluge and Reinhardt can spend many years in the Zweier-Mannschaftsfahren, the so-called Madison, together. One of the most recent results: Zweimal holte das Duo the WM-Titel (2018 and 2019), three other EM-Titel (2022 to 2024) came along. Only at Olympia is no longer like that.