
Haifas bedrückendes Warten auf de Großangriff von Hisbollah en Iran

Haifas bedrückendes Warten auf de Großangriff von Hisbollah en Iran

After the Tötung of Hisbollah soldier Shukr in Beirut and Hamas chief Hanijeh in Tehran In July, Hisbollah and Iran declared Israel worthy of Rache. The Northern European Port of Haifa is located below the Visier. A message of support.

There is a state that is worth engraving,” while the 41-year-old Limor. A Feststellung as an Anklage. There is a self-direction, but also not the world.

Limor is the mother of their children. You come from the “Entwicklungsstadt” Shlomi, the unmittelbar and the Grenze to Lebanon lies. Gut 7000 living quarters, founded in 1950 by young people from Tunisia and Morocco on the ruins and entvölkerten palästinensischen Dorfes. Shlomi has been evacuated since October, the residents have been reported to Hotels.

Limor and 250 hours of nachbarn are in a hotel in Haifa, on the Aussichtspromenade in the northern end of the Carmel-Bergs. Here the Blicke der Gestrandeten swweifen over the city, the harbor, the lake and the mountains on the horizon. Unfavorable 30 kilometers of air line has gone to the border. Dort, we see that it is so that the summer of the country with the blue mats of the Himmels vermischt, sten in Häuser. One of the pages of the Hügel is the positions of others Hisbollah.

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