
Risk of infection with the West Nile Virus in Germany

Risk of infection with the West Nile Virus in Germany

The basic reproduction rate R0 is the progressive development of the Public Health cases, which cause an infection during a single autumn. They were averaged from August to October 2022 and based on the district-level projections. Black Quadratic Rate: Prepared Fall in Humans and Animals. © Mbaoma, OC, Thomas, SM & Beierkuhnlein, C. Spatiotemporal explicit epidemic model for the West Nile virus outbreak in Germany: an inversely calibrated approach. J Epidemiol Glob Health (2024)./Graphic: Uni Bayreuth

The basic reproduction rate R0 is the progressive development of the Public Health cases, which cause an infection during a single autumn. They were averaged from August to October 2022 and based on the district-level projections. Black Quadratic Rate: Prepared Fall in Humans and Animals. © Mbaoma, OC, Thomas, SM & Beierkuhnlein, C. Spatiotemporal explicit epidemic model for the West Nile virus outbreak in Germany: an inversely calibrated approach. J Epidemiol Glob Health (2024)./Graphic: Uni Bayreuth

The biogeography of the University of Bayreuth has developed the first model, the risk of infection with the West Nile Virus in Standvögel, Zugvögel and humans in Germany simulates. If the basis for a warning system for the disease lies, the Klimawand is influenced during the Klimawand.

The spark of Stechmücken on humans is the West Nile Virus (WNV) that has been appearing in southern Europe for a long time. Beginning during the climbing hike is a flood in the northern areas. In Germany, illnesses among humans were first recorded in 2019. A model that increases the risk of infection in Germany can function as a warning system and help both, take good preventive measures and enable differential diagnosis.

The WNV has the Flaviviren and the Stechmücken in wild Vögeln-übertragen. A Vögeln infizierte Mücken could übertragen das Virus auch af Menschen. In Southern Europe it will be a long time in the summer of Ausbrüchen. Bisher, summer temperatures in Germany were not warm during the day and at night due to the limited expansion of the Gemeine Stechmücke. Since 2019, there have been a number of infections in Germany since people have been exposed. Das West-Nil-Fieber heilt meist ohne Komplikationen aus. If you are a Spätfolgen among the Erkrankten, the Entzündungen des Gehirns are activated, and persons with the Vorerkrankung or Altere Menschen can grow up in the Nervengeweb terminally penetrating West Nile Virus and die.

Oliver Chinonso Mbaoma, Dr. Stephanie Thomas and Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein from Lehrstuhl for Biogeography of the University of Bayreuth have developed a model, with the räumliche and zeitliche infection risks with the WNV in Germany can be simultaneously. The model is based on the temperature and temperature of the temperature and provides epidemiological data and provides for the operation of the human and the various WNV traps that can last a year. If the property rights of the Moskitos and the Vogelkunst have the property rights of the WNV, this is one of the biggest problems in the turmoil with a thing.

The modeling structure of the area with the WNV cases is another region in the west of North Rhine-Westphalia, Upper and Middle Rhine, which offers a district in Bavaria, in a climatological period from July to the end of October. “There is no legend about the Grundstein for a Frühwarnsystem for infectious diseases, which causes the temperature to rise. The model can help the Gesundheitsdienst, Präventionsmeßnahmen zu geven. You can determine the differential diagnosis of the differential diagnosis, says Thomas.

The Research Work would be carried out by the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Protection and the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Safety (AP-2411-PN 21-14-V3-D22827/2022) in the Rahmen des Verbundprojekts „Klimawand el en gesundheit II “(VKG II) fördert.