
Why You (more) Insects are essential

Why You (more) Insects are essential

WIf you consider 25% of the world population insects essential? Entomophagy, the practice of the insurance of Käfern, is going further than ever in the western world. Käferdiäten can achieve great global reach, while making money from carpentry, saving ecosystems and maintaining national economies. Plus: Insects are very tasty!

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Why You (more) Insects are essential

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Why You (more) Insects are essential

Do you want to know if 25% of the world population insects are essential? Entomophagy, the practice of the insurance of Käfern, is going further than ever in the western world. Käferdiäten can make a great global reach, while making money from bodies, saving ecosystems and maintaining national economies. Plus: Insects are very tasty!

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In the year 2013, the United Nations published a report entitled “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security” (Essential Insects: Perspectives on Life and Future Health), in the enormous amount of Entomophagy that was developed, became: Nährstoffdichte also ökological, economic and social Nachhaltigkeit.

Sodium free and delicious

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Sodium free and delicious

Insects are rich in protein, healthy fat, potassium, iron and zinc. You can choose an alternative to typical protein sources with cow, beef, fish and pork.

You're screwed

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You’re screwed

Most meat dishes are better used as Gramm Fett pro Portion and it is a delicious meal prep option.
Eine Möglichkeit, overweight can be overcome

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Eine Möglichkeit, overweight can be overcome

The combination with us as Fett, when we hydrate the waters and perhaps have an egg, is one of Annahme’s many treatises, which the Verzehr van Insekten could be an effective means of combating Fettleibigkeit and the damned Illnesses.

It is easy and efficient

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It is easy and efficient

Because the care and importance of insects in the representation of life and obtaining water and treibstof are not good, and it is effective as the Viehzucht. With 100 Pfund Futter 10 Pfund Rindfleisch were won, but dieselbe Menge Futter were given at Grillen more than the four-fold Mix.

You are good to the world

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You are good to the world

A fluffy Wirbellose (z. B. Grillen) stoßen deutlich weniger Treibhausgase as well as Nutztiere wie Rinder.

Alternatives, nachhaltiges Eiweiß

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Alternatives, nachhaltiges Eiweiß

There are many things that require a production, including grilling (also called “Gateway Bug”) 12 times later as Rinder, four times as Schafe and only half as much as Hühner and Schweine.

It's a matter of fun, when meat comes to eat

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It’s a matter of fun, when meat comes to eat

Ungeziefer wird fälschlicherweise with Schmutz and Krankheiten in Verbindung, aber Forscher behaupten, that is the Verzehr von Insekten tatsächlich little schädlich ist as der Verzehr von Fleisch. As risks with the zoonotic diseases of inspecting, it is possible for the insects that it becomes easier to become nutztieren.

If you like, check out Menge Babys

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If you like, check out Menge Babys

Roasted grills are important in biological regulation for obtaining fruit and vegetables. Each mother grill lays between 1,000 and 3,000 eggs in its lifetime, and is now ready to eat from the eggs to the grave!

You may have done a lot of things

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You may have done a lot of things

The ideal temperature for the grill is warm (29–35 °C) and when the time for the serious temperature is reached, the temperature should be higher. The time passed, when the temperature dropped, and in such a nanny diapause, an artificial winter sleep, über. If it is no longer so, it is not so that it is no longer strapaziés.

Good for the economy

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Good for the economy

The business and financing of investments are very expensive, but it is possible that the urban economy engages in investments with small capital and technology institutions for loan sharing.

It is a mutual benefit

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It is a mutual benefit

The insecticide creates marginal interest groups in the world, which undermine the underworld and destroy the harmful effects on the environment.

A loss for Lebensmittelknappheit

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A loss for Lebensmittelknappheit

In 2050 the worldview began to appear on a new millennium year, and due to the climate change that was seriously disrupting, Entomophagy could delay, the great spoilage and nourishment to cover.

How do you look?

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How do you look?

Manche sagas, Grillen schmecken wie een Mischung aus Cashewnüssen en Mais, other sagas, sie inn er in Pistazien. If you start with Butter, Salz and Zwiebeln, you will get some fresh Garnelen, sagen others. Überzeugen Sie sich einfach yourself!

Es gibt soviele Möglichkeiten

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Es gibt soviele Möglichkeiten

Käfer since they are heavy packed Insekten, aber auch Raupen, Bienen, Wasps, Ameisen, Grashüpfer, Heuschrecken and Grillen were new features. More than 1,500 insect art are used as essbars, you have their own Geschmack and Nährwert.

You are very useful

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You are very useful

Insects can be bought, bought, baked, bought or made with a choice and will be found again. Man can do his work and use everything that is used by Brot or Keksen.

It comes out higher than you think

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It comes out higher than you think

Überall auf der Welt essen Menschen Insekten, in schätzungsweise 3,000 ethnic groups. Tatsächlich essen more People Insects as spoken in English!

A classic snack in Thailand

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A classic snack in Thailand

Grilling since 1998 in Thailand, if the king has a change of pace in his life, a grundnahrungsmittel, a man can find all the art of cooking and cooking, which as a rule knusprig frittiert, grim gesalzen and as a protein-rich Snack gegessen were.

Süß-salzy Insects in Japan

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Süß-salzy Insects in Japan

In Japanese cuisine, insect is used for a number of years, after the Japanese used a salzigen and a piece of meat for their houschrecken, the more normal amount of meat in soy sauce, Zucker, Sake and Mirin are bought. Other aids are the use of spinner pupae and wasp larvae.

Chinese Larvae

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Chinese Larvae

Feinschmecker können in China und Teller mit in Essig eingeweichten, procured Wasserkäfern or gerösteten Bienenlarvaen und fried Seidenspinner larvae, both of which are reich and Nährstoffen wie Kupfer, Eisen, Riboflavin, Thiamine und Zink.

Brasiliens frittierte Königsameisen

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Brasiliens frittierte Königsameisen

A number of Brazilian restaurants are fried Amazonas-Ameisen and, apparently, the same as Ingwer or Minze. If it is not yet the case that the commercial market is sold, the Krabbler is sollen under the intestine in chocolate tasted.

Termites from Ghana

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Termites from Ghana

To the top of Terminix Termites produce up to 60% of the protein in regional African food. While meat is used in most cases of the world as Schädling, a snack with a lot of protein, fat and oil will be eaten, or most dishes will be cooked.

Mexikos Ameisen larvae, Heuschrecken and Würmer

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Mexikos Ameisen larvae, Heuschrecken and Würmer

In the best regions of Mexico you will find male Ameisen larvae (Escamol, see Bild), with Schokolade überzogene Heuschrecken and with Süßigkeiten überzogene Würmer. Neben Mezcal was restored as a good example of Gusano, a salz, from the rotten Maguey-Würmern – a ural delicacy, which was used as a Geschmacksverstärker in the pre-Spanish Zeit.

Frittierte Taranteln and Feuerameisen from Cambodia

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Frittierte Taranteln and Feuerameisen from Cambodia

Although the technical data of Tarantel does not contain insects, in Cambodia you will find the cozy spiders in the Wok-gebratenen Grillen and Seidenraupen, wobei the Geschmacksrichtungen von Szechuan bis Mittelmeer reichen.

Mehlwurmfleisch from the Netherlands

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Mehlwurmfleisch from the Netherlands

Einige Niederländer versuchen, de Kultur des Käferessens in ihr kulturell valfältiges Heimatland zu kosten, indem sie Mehlwürmer in Burger-Patties, Fleischbällchen and sogar Schokolade used!

Grub Kitchen in Britain

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Grub Kitchen in Britain

In 2015, the Vereinigten Königreich became the first Insektenrestaurant, Grub Kitchen, in 2015 to offer a wide range of delicious dishes, from the fresh Chipotle-Grille to its black Ameise with Oliven-Ziegenkäse.

No whole Ihr Lieblingsnack?

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No whole Ihr Lieblingsnack?

In America, the entrepreneurs Rose Wang and Laura D’Asaro have “Chirps”, Chips in Tortilla-Stil, which were restored with Grillenmehl. Because it is gluten-free, it is natural, not technically processable and contains a Grille Pro Chip and 20 Grams of Protein Pro Tüte. The snuggling and the different actions were taken care of, so you can enjoy a cozy meal!

Was it waiting for the people to return?

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Was it waiting for the people to return?

If Entomophagy has developed over the course of the day, it is often the case that there is no question of a culture or an enterprise that no longer exists teile weitergegeben hat. There are a number of companies that have been given an overview, while Käfer Schädlinge is the Landwirtschaft-stören.

Do you want to start dealing with your insecurities right away?

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Do you want to start dealing with your insecurities right away?

No, it is the best choice, the man is not essential. The word sprichwort says: “Red, orange, yellow, forget this guy. Black, green or brown, wolf it down” – also everything was rotten, orange or yellow ist, sollte man nicht anfassen. Black, green or brown are naturally perfect for the verses. There are many ways in which pesticides can be injected. Zum Glück is an easy way to order and cook yourself.

Also interesting: Would passion be with our lives, if we saw Zucker?