
Schlafen in een Betonröhre: Special industrial hotel in the Ruhr area

Schlafen in een Betonröhre: Special industrial hotel in the Ruhr area

  1. wading
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

If there is a form of overnight stay, this could happen in the Ruhr area. Genauer: in Bottrop. You can spend a night in Betonröhren.

Hamm/Bottrop – The Ruhr area is in walking. Either black or white, is moderately green and blue. The multi-level flight network originates from the Ballungsgebiet of North Rhine-Westphalia. On the other hand, the Emscherweg offers excellent cycle tours. Most Emscher balconies are one of the best things that can be clicked onto the river, so that they belong most to the core of the Ruhrpott position. You will find your accommodation in an exceptionally good hotel.

Schlafen in een Betonröhre: Special industrial hotel in the Ruhr area

It’s certainly not Seltenheit. Schon last werben zahlreiche Hoteliers with unwanted overnight accommodation options. So a man in the Niederlanden in Toverland can quickly be directly in a Fahrgeschäft-schlafen, in Dortmund a man in a täuschend can really spend a great night. Das Parkhotel zwischen Gasometer Oberhausen and Nordsternpark Gelsenkirchen in Bern-Park Bottrop locks derweil with a Betonröhre.

In Bottrop a man can übernachten in those Betonröhren.
In Bottrop a man can übernachten in those Betonröhren. © IMAGO/Wojtyczka

“Could you see a concrete row for a few years as frost in the winter? We can tell our princes and rulers a grandiose story about a nightly takeover of power by the star Reich artists Andreas Strauss,” he is on the page. The Betonröhre is offered “as Alternative zu Zelt, Gasthof or Jugendherberge”. “Fünf Betonröhren warteten on the Emscherinsel auf ihre Wiederbelebung and ihre new Bestimmung. And Andreas Strauss settled the Röhren in Szene. It is a gelungen, the Röhren with three meters long and 2.40 meters long duration in an unusual and fragmented Hostel zu wander“, heißt es.

“Kurztripreisende und Radtouristen” could take place in Betonröhre overnights

Were we to have an overnight stay in the concrete walls in Bottrop and entscheiden, they would be “on part of the Schlafkomfort and the pleasant accommodation for the Kurztripreisenden or Radtouristen” erwarten. „On the other side“, so heißt es later, „winkt a small Übernachtungsabenteuer“. Der Clou: During a Bullauge you can visit the Sternenhimmel.

Booked, this next night could take place “in Time from 23 March to 6 October 2024”. A theme that belongs to Theme Payment is a special value: “The price for the use of the Parkhotel personally depends on the overnight stay – here the motto is: ‘pay as you want’. “