
Nordirland: Frau weg Gebet vor Abtreibungsklinik verhaftet

Nordirland: Frau weg Gebet vor Abtreibungsklinik verhaftet

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If it is ‘unrestful’, if it is a law that forbids the people of the Beten, says Claire Brennan. She will Anklage anfechten die.

Coleraine (
In Coleraine (Nordirland) in the 52nd century, Claire Brennan has found a job in a Krankenhaus for her purpose, while being burdened with debt.

Brennan war with a second Better in October 2023 before the Causeway Hospital in Coleraine is destroyed, because she is apparently against the inside of the Bannmeile valid regulations. You have bitten the “Father of us”. In the hands that have a transparent content, on the Maria, the Mother Jesus, the war is shown.

Now that a Monat in Nordirland is a Gesetz in Kraft, Hilfsangebote for Schwangere and Gebete inner corporations of 150 meters are an Abtreibungsklinik or a Krankenhaus, in these Abtreibungen passed on, prohibited.

The police make sure that Brennan is about to get a cause of the Bannmeile. Brennan refuses to give his answer to the Polizisten, but that is not the case. If you have “the moral Pflicht, hier zu bleiben und zu beten”, you say that it is wörtlich.

The police are brutalized by them. If you are guilty of speaking, you can get a fine of 2,500 Pfund.

Community with the Christian Legal Center will support the Anklage activities. It is “shameful”, if it is a gesetz, which makes the people of the Beten verbiete. If someone has not even done an investigation before a clinic spoke out about a critical situation, then no one would be free to look into an interview.

Make sure that the Bannmeilen-Gesetzes get the Ansicht, it is contrary to the European Human Rights Convention (EMRK), especially because it guarantees Religion and Reason. The Oberster Gerichtshof of the United Kingdom could start, the Gesetz with the EMRK-compatible sei.

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