
Unglück in Kröv: Nach Hotel-Einsturz: Niederländer spenden für Familie

Unglück in Kröv: Nach Hotel-Einsturz: Niederländer spenden für Familie

In a spending campaign for young Dutch people Familywho was affected by the Hotel-Einsturz im Mosel-Ort Kröv, has given his son an amount of 54,000 euros. It is possible that you can use a targeted crowdfunding website.

The relationship between the lost families is not good after all. The 26-year-old was in an artistic coma at the intensive station of a Krankenhaus in Trier.

Before all men in the territory of humanity and their 23 years of age earn their money, they spend a number of messages to the niederländische Zeitung of the Algemeen Dagblad. The family lives in the grim Christian life in Gemeine Urk (Province Flevoland). The Hilfsbereitschaft der Menschen is traditionally very large in the region, he is in the Dutch Media reports.

With the money that, among other things, financed a Hubschrauberflug from the Schwerverletzur medizinischen Weiterbehandlung in the Netherlands, the organizers of Crowdfunding-Aktion ensured the establishment of ANP.

The family has no great variation in the Notfälle at Reisen in Ausland. If you spend money on your lost life and money, even more costs are made. The Zielsumme für die Sammlung-war with 20,000 Euro will be.

The Niederländer live in the wine region of the Netherlands Moselle Urlaub gemacht, if you have a service when booking a complete of the hotels in Kröv, there is talk of wurden. Der Familienvater remained under the Trümmern for a long time, it was salvaged and brought to the Krankenhaus. The Ehefrau and the Junge are protected, but now slightly lost.

If you have a stay of 59 years, stay in another hotel and a 64 year old woman is Life. Also goes seven injuries, especially of the Netherlands.

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