
Kröv-Verschütteter nach Rettung “twice as big as before”

Kröv-Verschütteter nach Rettung “twice as big as before”

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Kröv-Verschütteter nach Rettung “twice as big as before”

Screenshot 2024-08-08 224910.png

Mark (right) and his wife Edi with Baby Jamie. The family members were buried for a long time under the Hotel Trummern.


by Karl Wirz and Jessica Burger

Unter den Trümmern is 20 liters of water and!

As a hotel in Kröv an der Mosel is being built, lie family father Mark, his Frau Edi and Baby Jamie buried under the Trümmern. Everyone could make it, but a Marks thought is not good. It has been climbing for such a long time, if you have a grim overview of the family broadcast of RTL. There is “as big as you want”. Was ist da in seinem Körper passiert?

13 Stunden kämpft Mark in the Trümmern um sein Leben

Fest steht: Es borderes an ein Wunder, dass Mark noch lebt. 13 Stenden along the Niederländer under the Trümmern des eingestürzten Hotels in Kröv, it can be rettet. “Er lag af dem Rücken en seine Beine were nach hinten verdroht. They were so quetscht that the Blut hat under the nun was such a Blut poisonung hat, while Muskeln would see his quetscht“, erzählt Ehefrau Edi RTL for a few days.

There are Schnittverletzungen am Rücken und am Oberschenkel en sei auch nach seiner ersten Operation weiterhin geschwollen. “It quickly doubles in size,” Edi describes.

Information about young Mann’s family has been so long-consumed that the sheer volume of water in his household has increased dramatically.

Do you want to log all washers in Marks Körper?

Im Video: Hotel-Einsturz in Kröv – “It’s a miracle, that’s how people live”