
Scholz calls Netanyahu and can use dpa-AFX’s de-escalation

Scholz calls Netanyahu and can use dpa-AFX’s de-escalation

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat in a Telefonat with the Israeli Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu has brought a great Sorge über the Gefahr a regional Flächenbrandes in Nahen Osten zum Ausdruck. The power is German, the Bundesregierung Drohungen aus Iran, von der Hisbollah and others get the Sicherheit Israels and their citizens and citizens who are verurteile, with a Regierungssprecher am Sonntag in Berlin Mitteilte.

If you learn more, the destructive spiral of yellowing effects has emerged over time and the construction for designing a design has been completed. In this period, the Bundeskanzler has not succeeded anymore, if now the Zeitpunkt has begun, the Abkommen of the Freilassung of the Geiseln and a Waffen are still ready to finish.

The military struggle in the camp is focused on the fact that Hamas is focused on the fight against the fight against the Gaza Strip. An end to the Kriegs in Gaza was a separate letter to a regional de-escalation.

I still plan on using a Flaechenbrand. Iran and the US government have given Israel the power to increase the power of Hamas and the Lebanese Hisbollah-Milieu.