
Wetter: Erneuter Jahres-Temperaturrekord in Biasca TI

Wetter: Erneuter Jahres-Temperaturrekord in Biasca TI

Passers-by take a break at the larger Hitze in Schatten under the Bäumen am Ufer des Luganersees. (Archive image)
Passers-by take a break at the larger Hitze in Schatten under the Bäumen am Ufer des Luganersees. (Archive image)


In Biasca TI ist am Sonntagnachmittag thereneut a new Jahres-Höchstemperatur für die Schweiz bemessen. At 3.20 pm the thermometer reaches 36.3 degrees.

Another Orten in Tessin would be a good heiss, on the website of Meteoschweiz which is waging war. So go in Stabio TI up to 33 degrees, in Cevio TI 33.2 degrees, and in Locarno Monti 32.4 degrees. In Visp VS at night 33.3 degrees were measured, in Sitten VS 32.5 degrees, in the Bündnerischen Grono 32.9 degrees and in Geneva 32 degrees.

lt, sda