
Book about If a British Empire: Spiritual and Moral

Book about If a British Empire: Spiritual and Moral

The book „Zeit der Finsternis“ by the authors Shashi Tharoor has the Zeug zum Standardwerk über Indische. It is written with knowledge.

The British colonial lords were rude, arrogant and greedy, so Shashi Tharoor Photo: Voller Ernst/photo alliance

If there is some kind of war, my Indian father muttered to the postponed Chronicles in the Tower of London: “Everything has been clambered”. The galled and gilded gold is for the magnificent diamonds Koh-i Noor, with more than 108 carats one of the largest in the world. On 10 pages, the author of Shashi Tharoor in his book about the British Empire in India has arrived in its distribution area. While other states respond to the Stone, but ganz egal een wer jemals zurückgebeben wird, er bleibt funkelndes Symbol einer jahrundertelangen Ausbeutungsgeschichte remains.

In Bezug auf Indien he was born in London and in India a lawyer and author Shashi Tharoor was brought up and revived. Tharoor is an authoritarian Sachbücher, who as a novelist has a name (‘Bollywood’) and as a politician in Aktion, war and for a year the representative of the UN General Kofi Annan in New York. It is a matter of the Indian parliaments.

The booklet with the programmatic title “Time of Finsternis” is in Original Schon 2016, but it is still available in German. About the story: No one knows for themselves. If interesting, come to the book. It is a matter of standard work and that is what the written text is about.

Around 200 years the British reestablished themselves in India. You can experience a reorganized “Third World State” in a prosperous country and hinterland. So the first submitters and the world economy began at 18 years. Hundreds of years at 23 percent and at the Abzug of the Colonial Power in the year 1947 only at 3 percent. Hunger, massacres and other destructions followed.

The British Machthaber stülpten If in your own system über

Während other States Kolonialverbrechen met Entschädigungszahlungen and/or een Entschuldigung zu sühnen versuchen, als diebezüglich leer aus. Bis heute kein Sorry about the British politics or Krone. If you have a problem, it is not that the British Fremdherrschaft will find one of the best results in the future. The fact is that I am in line with the German History of Hitler’s Autobahnen.

Catastrophe of the Indian subcontinents

Tharoors akribische Auseinandersetzung mit den Jahren des sogenannten Raj (Herrschaft der Briten in Indische) konert die Auslassungen der Apoloeten der Fremdherrschaft, and especially the British-US-American historian Niall Ferguson (“Empire. How Britain Made the Modern World” ) in Blick.

Errors with the rule of law, democratic structures and freedom of press Tharoor sees himself next to another and says, who is in the first line of the power mentalities and often more harm than good. It was so long ago that the British power in its own system overworked, but also the height of the colony and the man of esteem. The British Wahlsystem may well be like that, so Tharoor, for a small island state, for an überbevölkerten Vielvölkerstaat die als wordt es bessere Alternativen.

The Lektüre des Buchs has become more natural, even though the British colonial lords in Sachen Brutalität, Arrogance and Raffgier seem to be reaching their peak. The catastrophe of the Indian subcontinents with a turnover of 1 million toten has come in an hour’s time into the possession of the Spaltung of the Indische Gesellschaft, for all kinds of Hindus and Muslims.

Far into the distance

If it is so that it is less important, then the Word “Colonialholocaust” is used, it is an inexplicable phenomenon. Mithu Sanyal spoke in his heart that the Holocaust was incomprehensible, while the vergaichse statements should do, if the seriousness meinten mit dem Satz would be: “Wehret den Anfängen!”. Tharoor used the Wort, a German herbal mixture and a warming agent. That, was in Indien geschah, war morderisches Unrecht.

Trotzdem hätte man das Wort, zumal in deutschen Ausgabe, could be avoided. Es lends vom Eigentlichen ab. If we are proud of our situation and our frontlines are colonizers and colonizers, we will see that there is immense präzise and a safe locker in that case, whoever these British are not economical, political and military, but also spiritual and moral chten.

Shashi Tharoor: “Time of Finsternis. The British Empire in If“. In English by Cornelius Reiber. Die Andere Bibliothek, Berlin 2024, 477 Seiten, 28 Euro

The price for the Indische Gesellschaft is in our interest, while the book is a hand of the Alltagsbeispiele Tee and Cricket deutliche macht. Both are Tharoor very interesting. If you choose the British reconstruction, you still can not continue reading the “Zeit der Finsternis” in any case. There are many zitierwürdige zitate. So the broader Mahatma Gandhi had entered the Question, when the Western Zivilization stopped: ‘Sie wäre eine gute idea.’ That stimulated. Starred as today.