
Klingbeil: Haushalt muss last week

Klingbeil: Haushalt muss last week

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The SPD Leader Lars Klingbeil continued in the Streit der Ampel-Koalition over the Bundeshaushalt 2025 a quick finish. “This entire performance, which has been experienced in recent weeks, has been completely unpleasant, it has been extremely difficult, it has been destroyed by the country. It is the job of a federal government, it is a matter for the parliament to survive,” said Klingbeil in ARD. Summer interview, that’s the day in which “Message from Berlin” was sent.

There is concern about the direction. Klingbeil said: “Klare Erwartung: Nächste Woche muss der Haushalt in der Regierung fertig alles.”