
Guests with perfume: Das sagt Spitzenkoch Alexander Herrmann dazu

Guests with perfume: Das sagt Spitzenkoch Alexander Herrmann dazu

Munich – Star-Koch The Duc Ngo hat die Nase voll: Der Berliner Gastronom can no longer find guests in its restaurants who eat the right way. That’s all you can do on your Instagram profile with. “I may have a beautiful Düfte, aber manchmal ist es einfach zu fell des Gooden”, says The Duc Ngo. Sour perfumes can be found in various sushi and fish restaurants (“Ryotei 893”, “Funky Fish”, “Kuchi” and others) although unerwünscht.

In Germany the war dies bislang eher unausgesprochener Verhaltenskodex. In other cases, only Duft Dress Codes are available locally in the world. I am “RyuGin” in Tokyo (three Michelin stars) and have a dress code and useful rules for a perfume ban. The Londoner Restaurant “Sushi Kanesaka” (a Michelin Star) is a bit of a pleasure to welcome you, but enjoy the essence of it – for the full enjoyment of life.

“Genius as a man does not wear sweatpants at the opera”

And in Bayern? You will not find a Duft Dress Code here nor in Sicht, says Thomas Geppert, Landesgeschäftsführer of the Bayerische Hotel and Gaststättenverbandes Dehoga. Theoretically, a gastronome can provide a solution to the upper house law. “Genauso who man not with jogging in the Opera is happy with his tone, in his hobenen Localn not with grim perfume from his appearance,” says Geppert.

"If you find it difficult, nimm viel parfum, then it is not schmecken"witzelt Star-Koch Alexander Herrmann.
“If you buy poorly, you never buy perfume, then there will be no more perfume,” says Star-Koch Alexander Herrmann.
© dpa
“If you buy poorly, you never buy perfume, then there will be no more perfume,” says Star-Koch Alexander Herrmann.

from dpa


It is a very intensive treatment. “Those other guests and schlimmstenfalls auch den Koch. Such paints are the culinary experiences.” Denn: An extremely rich perfume can infuse the Geschmackssinn grim, so Geppert. Dadurch würden naturer Aromen einfach überdeckt. Essen nehme man mit all Sinnen wahr.

Herrmann: “I see the Duc”

“Ein strong perfume is genussverhindernd”, stated by TV-Koch and restaurant owner Alexander Herrmann from AZ. “Manche übertreiben es leader beim Auftragen.” But it is very pleasant to fall into the restaurant Aura (two Michelin Stars) in Wirsberg (Kreis Kulmbach) without any pleasure.

“But I understand Duc”, says one of his students from Berlin, knows who Herrmann is. Add a good perfume, “to energize the air of the smell, aromatic, dense”. In restaurants, except in high class, the natural is counterproductive. “When eating is sober”, said the TV chef. The smell essence plays a major role. Then do not sit one of the turmeric grass, moss and fermentation of Nelke, the visit is a whole other.

There is a debate going on about the perfume debate: Star-Koch The Duc Ngo.
There is a debate going on about the perfume debate: Star-Koch The Duc Ngo.
© dpa
There is a debate going on about the perfume debate: Star-Koch The Duc Ngo.

from dpa


“The power of the Duke and often Sashimi – that is the fish with its drowsy journey. If he has a good perfume in Essen, he no longer smears the quality of the fish.” Beside the zarten Aromas a court became another way of life. In a fatal sin: “Perfume flows into the experience to the maximum – and black is not good”, Herrmann found.

This Rule is gilded for Hermann

Je better die Küche, desto weniger sollten die Gäste also duften, lautet sein Fazit. Or to put it another way: “If you buy poorly, you don’t get any perfume, then there will be no more perfume,” says Herrmann. Auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest is perhaps Hilfreich.

Herrmann himself has used the scent of the perfume, says there. “Even my Duschgel is pH neutral and odorless. I can find the best moments of the experience myself”, says Sterne-Koch. Nothing from Chanel, my wife Maxi Friedrich is crazy, she is crazy. “Also not a bisserl on Handgelenk”, says there. When a Gabel comes into the world, the perfume automatically goes into the nose. This personal message is from Duft-Wolke. “Nobody from us should be Job, die straight or weine dur ungebittene Gerüche entzaubern.”

The Handy is always at the table with many guests. An Italian thread that now works with an action-reaction.

Dude, the stand is convenient to hang? Was Wirte in Bayern wirklich stört


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The Problems are zu large: The Feinkochwerk Eatery in the Fünfseenland schließt.

Restaurant nahe Munich muss schließen: “Nicht mehr tragbar”


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“Given a little perfume on the hand-blesser Guest habe jenoch no one etwas,” says Herrmann. Nur the penetrants Nuts seien disturbing. When you sit in the restaurant, it is still a fragment of the reactions. Herrmann put a perfume ban in Bayern for the sake of it. “The people here are their families and are perfectly settled in Essen.”