
Preis-Angriff on the “Monster SUV” in Munich

Preis-Angriff on the “Monster SUV” in Munich

Munich – Are driving a car in Munich a problem? Yes – we are after the German Environment (DUH) heht. The organization established in the Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt in 323 other German Communities, is an “inner park possibilities for large SUVs, pick-ups and über-dimensional vehicles on open parking spaces (…) deutlich zu limiten”. I am a Münchner Mobilitätsreferat mit man sich bereits ähnliche Gedanken.

In his work he has the Environment, among other things: the Erhöhung der Kurzzeitparkgebühren in the Innenstadt zomindest on the Kosten voor een ÖPNV-Fahrschein; a Limitation of the Stellplatzgrößen; a premium for an Anwohnerparken at a minimum of 360 Euro per year when hanging the Größe des Fahrzeugs ‒ in Munich a Bewohnerparkausweis costs 30 Euro per year; a Deckelung der Bewohnerparkausweise pro Haushalt; so that the Ausschluss produces a larger vehicle with a long length of more than funfmeters of the Gewährung der Bewohnerparkvorrechte.

“There is no inner city that carries a large city van and lifestyle pick-ups. Monster SUVs with a long range, no city has such situations,” says DUH Federal Leader Jürgen Resch.

Deutsche Umwelthilfe: Von SUV in Innenstädten gehen velde Gefahren aus

In the Anträgen, which are in Nuremberg, Rosenheim, Würzburg, Regensburg and perhaps even more Bayerische Stadt-gangs, the Umwelthilfe begins in the past with the gestiegen Anzahl von Stadtgeländewagen – and with the Gefahr, die DUH von ihnen ausgeht.

Before you can start years later, you can buy new cars, SUVs and land wagons in Germany. Today it is more than 40 percent. If you are bigger, your enormous weight is so big that the engine makes a risk for all insurers, so the DUH. “If you do research, the child’s play has become eight times as big, if you buy a car with an SUV and a normal horsepower package.”

SUVs are a waste in Munich. It is possible that the Fahrer will do all the things that the Innenstadt will do.
SUVs are a waste in Munich. It is possible that the Fahrer will do all the things that the Innenstadt will do.
© IMAGO/Arnulf Hettrich (
SUVs are a waste in Munich. It is possible that the Fahrer will do all the things that the Innenstadt will do.

von IMAGO/Arnulf Hettrich (


Once in the traffic, the “Monster SUV” became a reality, “under the impression that the park goes over the front of the park on the street or the road”, the Environmental Organization also said. There are 150 comments that will be delivered by the end of June. Either they see 174 other cities, they are part of the activities that are active at the time.

More than 21,000 parts and components of the action “Monster SUV out of my city!” the DUH is bitten, Anträge can put more and bigger cars in their city.

Aachen und Koblenz kündigten Erhöhung von Parkgebühren an

The first municipality has made the following plans: Aachen and Koblenz have announced the “Erhöhung der Gebühren für Bewohnerparkausweise in Abhängigkeit von der Fahrzeuggröße angekündigt”, teilte that DUH set with the first city on August 30, one of the Anträge zu re agieren .

Jürgen Resch, Bundesgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH).
Jürgen Resch, Bundesgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH).
© Christoph Schmidt/dpa
Jürgen Resch, Bundesgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH).

by Christoph Schmidt/dpa


There is a report in Munich that DUH has not yet implemented. With the AZ application, the mobility reference is made with the results of the MoveRegioM projects that provide a legitimate performance through the possible quality, the price for the park and the best criticism of the dynamics, for example vehicle size or size, equipment of park license areas or damage to the car”.

“Unseres erachtens wird der öffentliche Raum für das Abstellen von Kfz in Munich unter Wert prepared”

Everything is clear about the current Regulation, which in the Zuständigkeit of Freistates liege, the Handlungsspielraum der Communes ein: “Die Parkgebühren dürfen dabei höchstens 0,50 Euro, in Gebieten with particular Parkdruck höchstens 1,30 Euro je angefangener halber Stunde betragen.” It is a great experience when you use Thema Bewohnerparkausweise. Here the price is from 10.20 to 30.70 Euro per year.

There is a problem that can no longer occur for the state capital Munich. The German community stops with this decision by the free state that a simple separation of the communal entscheidungshoheit possible and how the Anträgen a entsprechendes Rechtsgutachten beigelegt are. Should a city with the setzten Rahmen überschreiten and der free state dagegen complain, has the community demnach gute Chancen, he is von der DUH.

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“A large separation freedom for the municipalities was a sin and a natural question for the further development of the economy,” says Franziska Hartmann, the spokesperson for the German mobility referents. “When I see that there is a staff member of the price after various criticisms, and after vehicle lengths or sizes, fundamentally conceivable.”

What matters is an extensive debate and an integrated city separation. And furthermore: “Unseres Erachtens wird der öffentliche Raum für das Abstellen von Kfz in Munich unter Wert prepared.” View the best results of DUH in the Stadt Paris.

There is a citizen burglary that lasts a month in February for a Verdriifachung of the Abstellgebühren for this art of vehicles ausgesprochen: A hour parking in the center costs for black SUV and other heavy carriages from September and for a hour 18 Euro, for these hours were 225 Euro falls.