
The SV Birkenfeld is left unsatisfied

The SV Birkenfeld is left unsatisfied

District League West, Men
TG Höchberg – TSV Keilberg 0:2 (0:1).
“That was a heartfelt victory”, said Keilberg’s player trainer Dominik Aulbach after the first Saisonsieg seiner Mannschaft in Höchberg fest. The TSV Coach gets to work, if the players play at the Hausherren levels, the great Leidenschaft that the Jungs will earn will earn the Dreier. “Wir hatten auch das eine oder other Mal Glück”, Aulbach furthermore said.

With a double look you can see the difference between the guests and the follow-up: Nachdem is im first Durchgang with a direct walk Freistoß aus 25 Metern das 0:1 markiert hatte, besiegelte is, after a 40-Meter-Flanke from Aaron Baltes, with a Direct tabnahme aus eight meters from the last Höchberger Saisonniederlage.

Cracked: 0:1, 0:2 Onur Varisli (22., 50.).

Spfrd. Sailauf – TSV Unterpleichfeld 0:5 (0:1). Der TSV Unterpleichfeld fährt beim weiterhin punktlosen Aufsteiger Sailauf the first Dreier ein. “We had played our games,” said TSV-Spielertrainer Andreas Zehner, who in the last century had a German Leistungssteigerung-feestgestellt, the Vorstellung Seiner Mannschaft. There are plenty of other aspects that must be met by the guests after 45 minutes. Minutes, ehe Leon Vollmuth, is the longest-lasting Führungstreffer gelang. The war in Vollmuth is such that it takes 0:2 before the separation is made for the Voortscheidungsorgte. When the TSV-Abwehr stopped lying, Jan Rabe and Valentin Vogel with their two Treffern den Erfolg in the Höhe.

Cracked: 0:1, 0:2 Leon Vollmuth (45., 53.), 0:3 Jan Rabe (58.), 0:4, 0:5 Valentin Vogel (77., 89.).

FC Viktoria Mömlingen – TSV Lohr 1:1 (1:1). With a few dishes, the ingredients of both punktgleichen Tablennachbarn Mömlingen and Lohr. “We need to improvise and learn how to do it, as well as how to act”, read TSV-Coach Christian Graf seine Taktik. With your helper you can share your experiences with Jung and earn your 1:0 success. With a volley schuss mark by Julian Genheimer in 0:1.

Completely over-the-top view of the Viktoria, after a single entrance, with the pausenpfiff as well. Over time, both teams can meet, the party is separated. While Florin Copacian and Manuel Englert do not have any chances, beware of the others. See TSV-Schlussmann Okkes Karakurt de Guest with three Glanzparaden vor dem Rückstand.

Cracked: 0:1 Julian Genheimer (45.), 1:1 Jonathan Komenda (45+4).

SV Birkenfeld – SpVgg Hösbach-Bahnhof 1:2 (0:0). Bitter Niederlage for the SV Birkenfeld is the new Spitzenreiter Hösbach-Bahnhof. “An event would have been more than deserved,” said SVB player trainer Benedikt Strohmenger after the first Saisonniederlage enttäuscht fest. The Hausherren have started a business where Capital has no success. The best chance that the Konto von Dustin Jankowski gets is after the Doppelpass with Peter Schebler alone for the Hösbacher Goalkeeper Jannik Väth, aber vergab. First before the break the Bahnhof started playing in the game, while one of Felix Renner’s players cleared with Birkenfeld’s Schlussmann Julian Konrad.

I know that the Hausherren-spielerische überlegen and leggings earn 1:0 by Peter Schebler for. The power is finally over a few Hösbachs Routinier and Torjäger Patrick Schneider, the Spieß zum 2:1-Erfolg für die Gäste umdrehte, the Unterschied. If one of the stimulations in the Birkenfelder Hintermannschaft marking Schneider is 1:1, there is a control with the 1:2-abschloss. While the war started with the best of the best Birkenfelder Chancen, as Calvin Jankowski did a Flanke of Nico Henig, the gegnerische Keeper was still not able to contact him.

Cracked: 1:0 Peter Schebler (50.), 1:1, 1:2 Patrick Schneider (56., 78.).

SV Kürnach – SSV Kitzingen 3:2 (1:1). Aufsteiger Kürnach takes place in one of the exciting exciting games and brings the Siedlern that first Niederlage. “Aufgrund der tweeten Halbzeit ist der Sieg earned”, the Kürnach coach Christian Hofrichter after the nerve-free game. It is wonderful to receive the guest, the first time you immerse yourself and remain passive. Kitzingen decided zunächst helder das Geschehen and achieved through Mario Paul the deserved leadership. First when one of the best people the guest is in sweat, then invest in the enormous heat and can no longer pause with the dishes 1:1.

If you look at the page, you can set a higher tempo and a higher speed of 2:1. The Siedler war in der Folge alles nach vorne, one of the most punkt mitsunehmen. While once the SV plays at 3:1 level, it is time to finally turn off the bag. After Kitzingen was an owner, nor a small war, put the Jungs of SSV-Spielertrainer Dennis Ketturkat nor everything on a map, but the Kürnacher Abwehr is no longer so.

Cracked: 0:1 Mario Paul (28.), 1:1 Peter Sachse (44.), 2:1 Konstantin Frey (71., Foulelfmeter), 3:1 Sachse (73.), 3:2 Luis Schlicker (84., Owner).

TSV Rottendorf – TSV Pflaumheim 0:2 (0:2). Während Rottendorf weiter after the first punktgewinn wartet, setzte der lustpunktfreie Tableszweite Pflaumheim seine Siegesserie fort. “Vom Gefühl her war is an unentschieden-Spiel, aber am End hat es Pflaumheim a Tick more deserves”, said Rottendorf’s Jakob Siedler, who was found in Urlaub by Trainer Manuel Gröschl and the Seitenlinie trat, fest. So it is better that the Hausherren have an orderly Leistung over time, cashierten aber jeweils after abgewehrten Standardsituationen that both Gegentreffer. “Gerade beim zweiten Treffer muss man better veridigen”, said Siedler at Ende.

Cracked: 0:1 Fabian Reith (8.), 0:2 Lucas Stenger (33.). Yellow Rot: Nicolas Schubert (90., Rottendorf).

TSV Eisingen – Würzburger FV II 1:1 (0:1). Favorite Eisingen should start the ascent of the Mainaustraße with a pointed beginning. “Wir hatten nicht our best Tag, zumindest von der Chancenverwertung her”, power TSV-Trainer Philipp Christ hernach as Grund for the Punkteilung aus. Sein Gegenüber, WFV-Trainer Philipp Zirkler, sweetheart behind the understanding of the day. “Wir was one of the Stärke Eisingens and had one of the last defenses, defensive gut zu stehen,” Zirkler said. In the card the guest is acquitted of the frühe and glückliche 1:0-Führung by Elias Niederkofler.

In the next phase the defense of the defensive brand is extended, with the counter equalized for the defense. So how the Würzburger is a Pfostenhit and a Lattenkopfball, is verzeichnen. Despite the many good possibilities, the previous two demands up to 63 minutes had to be endured, Lukas Götz the longest fallen Ausgleich succumbed. Demands are still not everything, but still not the victory hit of countries, but certainly of the stay thanks to the great Keepers Rene Schnur and by a closed team performance of Remis.

Cracked: 0:1 Elias Niederkofler (11.), 1:1 Lukas Götz (63.).