
McDonald’s with bigger changes in branches – “That’s bad”

McDonald’s with bigger changes in branches – “That’s bad”

With over 1,400 branches in Germany, McDonald’s is no longer part of the German gastronomic landscape. Seit Jahrzehnten provides the Fast-Food-Kette Menschen an der Autobahn with a short time or in the Städten Partygänger with a nightly Snack. Auch der Drive-In is a credible choice, it was essential.

If you are in a country region, you have to see a different picture of the world. It can be bare. The US corporations will invest massively and expand their finances enormously. There can be more problems.

McDonald’s: 500 new branches!

The Fast Food Giants have unleashed a respectable camp fan base, which offers the opportunity to become bald if it takes longer. More than a hundred new branches will open in Germany! “We were running 500 new restaurants in the following years,” said Germany chef Mario Federico about “Focus”. It is a simple budget plant. The number of billions of euros that are invested in the Aus- and Umbau of the Schnellrestaurants in the years is yielded. Der Fokus is located on one of the new locations, zum andere on the modern besthender restaurants.

+++ McDonald’s will have Mega-Burger from the Tief – Experts since entsetzt! “Falsche Richtung” +++

But that’s not enough. Enjoyed the news magazine explains the group, additionally in green energy through photovoltaic investments in wool. At McDrive is a Kracher factory: for the knowledge with the car bare soles are sold, while the McDonald’s factory drives Drive-Ins. And the 500 new branches naturally rely on Mitarbeiter, who stop the Loading on the run. Therefore a personal German is stocked up. In the following period there were about 35,000 dollars to Stellen purchased.

This may be interesting:

500 new branches in the next years are a house number. It is good that you make a profit for some fast food fan, but you can not have a McDonald’s branch in your hat! Allerdings can do everything, nor a small Weile day. The German head of the chain has criticized “Focus” who long planning and genehmigungsverfahren. All modernization of a part of the family takes a year by the bureaucracy. “Das ist doch irre”, so the German head is irritated.