
Australia: Hubschrauber stürzt auf Hoteldach

Australia: Hubschrauber stürzt auf Hoteldach

Major alarm in Cairns, Australia: a hubscrauber force on the Dach eines Hotels. Flammen steigen auf.

In Australien ist am Montagmorgen (Ortszeit) a Hubschrauber op das Dach eines Hotels in Far North Queensland abgestürzt. Police posted a notice on the Cairns Esplanade with a message identifying the sender as “Abc”. Der Unfall is 2 hours (time) into a call with the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) in the area. Two of the Rotorblätter des Hubschraubers have been released and can be seen in the café and in the swimming pool of the hotels. The Absturz was described as “so loudly with a bomb” of Augenzeugen.

“It’s a good thing that this noise is an abstract hubcap to hear,” said Caitlin Denning, head of QAS intelligence, of the sender. Two people in the building were injured, but were taken to Cairns Hospital in stable condition. There is no way people could have ended up in the hubcap or abroad where they find it. The hotel guests were evacuated to a nearby hotel.