
Energiegewinnung, KI und Biokonomie: G20-Wissenschaftsakademien empfehlen Maßnahmen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Energiegewinnung, KI und Biokonomie: G20-Wissenschaftsakademien empfehlen Maßnahmen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

© Gerd Altmann
© Gerd Altmann

Conclusions about the dimensions of the life of the unborn child

Mit der Agenda 2030 is ready for the United Nations (UN). Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse leisten een beitrag zu dieser Transformation. In the field of the Gipfeltreffens of the G20 State in November in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, the G20 Science Academy (Science20), which visited the National Academy of Science Leopoldina, has been able to implement the joint initiative ‘Science for Global Transformation’. Darin works with the G20 states that form a power base, which support the benefits of the UN Nachaltigkeitsziele, including in the Themenbereichen Energiesystem, artistic intelligence, biokonomie, Gesundheit and social justice.

“Fundamental research and scientific innovation can promote sustainable and resilient societies. International cooperation is part of the global redevelopments with the group with the climate walk or with the KI separated”, said Prof. (ETHZ) Dr. Gerald Haug, President of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. “A study of the CO2 emissions in the Academy industry, which is an important market-based control instrument, will reduce emissions. The foundation of sustainable economics is further in a payable and safe energy system. Here the science says about the latest options: through innovation in the power generation with new energies, which are the most advanced energy storage, over the technology with CO2 storage. “

In today’s concrete world, the science academies of 20 major industrial and wind countries are the notable low-emission energies with solar and wind power. For the climate-neutral climate, the use of biofuels, green detergents, energy suppliers who have implemented the recycling process for materials of the sustainable energy system are recommended. The G20 science academies are spreading over the introduction of market-based control instruments with a good CO2 price.

The concrete of the position, that the potentially more intelligent intelligence was used, the international framework conditions would be abolished. World wide AI should be used fairly and transparently. More must be invested in the data infrastructure and the high-level research centers. It is important that citizens and citizens are in the low relationships, that they meet each other and use their potential, their priority, their limits and the risks they run.

Bioeconomy has the potential to bring economic sustainability and environmental protection measures into line. In the position of the Academy of Sciences, through investments in research and infrastructure for a sustainable bioeconomy, it is possible through international cooperation and the emergence of local knowledge to improve climate change, biodiversity, and poverty. It would not be possible to buy.

In the position statement, a recommendation for health and social justice was given, indicative of a One Health approach, which considers the health of man, animal and environment together. If the world of infection is affected, there is a global information and health monitoring that concretely identifies the antimicrobial active substances and the masses against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which will generate a large amount of resources in the core of the world, which will increase mental health in many states and will be very neglected.

The Stellungnahme works under the Federführung der Brasilianische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Academia Brasileira de Ciências) and under Beteiligung von Mitgliedern der Leopoldina erarbeitet. On July 30, 2024, the Brasilianische Akademie der Wissenschaften was officially named the Brazilian G20 President.

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Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /