
Kirch Trifft, Tawern Jubelt – and Salmrohr start with a Pleite

Kirch Trifft, Tawern Jubelt – and Salmrohr start with a Pleite

SV Tawern – FSV Salmrohr ⇥2:1 (1:1)

Zum Auftakt der Nieuwe Saison besieges the ambitious Vizemeister SV Tawern in the Rheinlandligaabsteiger FSV Salmrohr with 2:1. Zunächst war after the FSV in Vorteil. Salmrohr sweetheart and a setzte that first Akzente. With a distance in the shop, Louis Thul took care of the Gästeführung (7.). Tawern found a zeitnahe Antwort through Pascal Hurth. Der Torjäger vom Dienst, der nach halbjähriger Verletzungspause ein tolles Comeback feierte, per Abstauber (16.). Tawern also remained in the spotlight in the following period, hit by a header from Pascal Güth and a shot from a Salmrohrer defense player, another failed shot from Latte. While the FSV is defensively stable, it could be that there is a role to play, while the decisive power was one-sided game plays in the four minutes of the game, but neither the party of the Heimelf. Hurth continues with one of the many fear attacks on the flank of Jonathan Konrad with the chest on Pascal Kirch ab. It remains cool and traffic under the Jubilation of 317 Match in short Eck – 2:1 (90.+4). Tawern Coach Steve Birtz war zufrieden. „If we don’t focus on the party fans in the first minutes, a team is now played. Insgesamt ist der Sieg glücklich ausgefallen, but in Summe hoch deserved. If the back is on the ground, the head is not lost and playful losses are often compensated. We will be able to enjoy the Schluss an den Sieg.”

Salmrohrs coach Frank Thieltges, another man on the erkrankten of Torjäger Jan Brandscheid, saw the war with the späten Punktverlustes quite early. „Am Ende war is a typical Unentschieden-Spiel. The war is intense and playful. Tawern has more Ballbesitz, which remains defensively stable, it is no longer the case that we have more Akzente zu setzen. Der Fehler ben eigenen Sechzehner, as the situation plays out, war separated. It is very nice. With the performance you can still reach an understanding.“

SG Daleden – TuS Ahbach⇥ 0:1 (0:1)

With the 1:0 match for 260 Zuschauern in Arzfeld, TuS Ahbach Seinem Trainer Roger Stoffels completed the perfect Vorab gift for the 62nd day, the East Belgians celebrated on Sunday. In no time, Daleiden dominates the Eifelder in the second half of the time by Ahbachs Spielertrainer Daniel Clausen in the 16th minute. There is one of the things you can do to dropkick and a hammer on the Kugel in the interior. Wermutstropfen: The siegtorschütze must be a few minutes later a strong Fußprellung verletzt ausgewechselt be. The household appliance is very suitable and suitable for the following situation: There are problems with your bowls. In the 75th minute, Daleiden was in bad luck, as Marius Lempges per Handelfmeter and TuS goalkeeper Justin Hellenthal scheiterte. Auch de zurückprallenden Schuss von Martin Schmitz lent the Ahbacher Torwart geistesgegenwärtig nor to the Pfosten.

“A point had been in order. If a German has more trouble, the game often can’t be financed. It was too little in general,” stated Daleiden’s trainer Florian Moos. TuS coach Stoffels said he was so kind. “It’s a war in Kampf. The youngsters have received a great personal step and have become very enthusiastic. With team spirit and fortune we have brought the thin victory over the time.” #

SG Ruwertal – SG Laufeld/Buchholz ⇥4:1 (2:1)

“If a team leader deserves one of the auftaktsieg, but with a promising bet,” says Ruwertals coach Benny Leis about the high quality, which his men have not yet won. With a spinning Schuss in the shop, Jannis Hoffmann was the Ruwertaler Torreigen (20.), for now 120 Sekunden später Marc Picko vom Elfmeterpunkt from his nachlegte. Zuvor war der agile Hoffmann be fouled (22.). Felix Bros brought the Eifeler with a 25-meter Schuss wieder in Reichweite and created an exciting zweiten Abschnitt (25.). Dort besaßen Tilmann Meeth, der een flache Hereingabe een haaresbreite verpasste, und Jonas Salzburgerein, der een Lattenschuss verzeichnete, Chancen zum Ausgleich. With a konnten lupfer nach langem Abschlag von Torwart Felix Kloy explains Hoffmann with his zweiten Hit in der 49. Minuut nach (49.). Ruwertal lies in the Folge weitere dicke Möglichkeiten aus, brought with the 4:1 the überragenden Picko die Partie nach Hause (75.).

The chef Oleg Tintor and the accompanying Laufelder Gerrit Lehnert from the Seitenlinie lobbed his Torwart. “Stefan Stroh has a toll parade in his life. If it’s 2:2 it’s different, Schneller is ready and can get an unapproachable pass. “Kämpferisch hat die Mannschaft aber alles gegeben.”

SG Saartal-Schoden – SV Lüxem ⇥4:0 (1:0)

Watch Mann at 4:0-Auftaktsieg der SG Saartal war from the Schweich A-Jugend gewechselte Lennard Wagner, in his first Punktspiel directly dreifach traf. I had a slight chance for a few minutes, but Schoden was able to score in the 32. Minutes through a header from Tobias Baier after Dominik Lorth’s Ecke in 1:0. Anschließend hatte Nick Stülb de Schodener Torwart Maximilian Wirkus schon ausgespielt, but Baier clear spectacle on the line. Noch vor der Pause sets Nils Schermann free with a headed ball vorbei. I traveled during the course of the Saartal-SG from Schoden, Ockfen and Irsch to two ships and then in the first Urgent Phase through Wagner per Abstauber at 2:0 (58.). The end of the three-speed shooting per fault meter and night free by Lucas Jakob the result at 4:0 (83./85.).

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Saartal Sports Chef Philip Kramp bilanzierte: “It is a war that deserves a strong fight. Wir had defeated as a team and was more sprinting in the Zweikämpfen. Wermutstroffen war de Verletzung van Lukas Kramp, der sich an der Wade verletzt hat.“ Lüxems Coach Patrick Schmidt thinks a deserved Niederlage. “Dennoch has had time to cook. Danach had a schläfrig veridigt and was in an unseren Abschlüssen nicht präzise genug.”

SG Dhrontal-Weiperath – Eintracht Trier II ⇥3:0 (3:0)

I am playing a duel in Haag with a German siege. While the Ergebnis is ready after 26 minutes of party, Dhrontal is in his first aggressive attack and with the new Leidenschaft of the SVE II by the Schneid-cut off hat. After a few minutes Danny Schömer received an order from Torwart Philipp Basquit. It was about 20 minutes played, the last time from Jan Weber, the Trierer Abwehr with a distance of 2:0. When the Eintracht advances and the Anschlussstreffer penetrates, Drontal starts the Frühzeitige Partij. Erneut had Schömer after a counter situation against Basquit to 3:0 hit (26.). When the picture is over, the Eintracht Reserve short before the break does not go any further than a foul meter in Tor von Matthias Junk, when Can Yavuz and SG-Schlussmann Matthias Junk broke down (42nd).

The war in the course of time is more constructive, remained until a free von Marcel Mühlen, the junk from the shopping cart, but damage. “We have left the raw materials missing and a through road poor performance has shown. In the game he has not taken any action”, says guest coach Kevin Schmitt. Dhrontals coach Marc Lemmermeyer lobbed the Mentality of his team. “We will last the game longer and before we play a game, which after 23 years has risen in the District League. We were extremely focused.” Trier goalkeeper Basquit injured himself after a joint proposal and has to play with a still not diagnostic injury five minutes before the end of the field.

SG Utscheid/Mettendorf – SV Schleid ⇥3:2 (0:0)

In the Eifelderby drehte Aufsteiger Utscheid/Mettendorf in letzter Sekunde die Partie and sammelte bei seiner Bezirksliga-Premiere the first Punkte in. In an intensive match, Derby Max Kolbet brought the Hausherren in Sinspelt per Foulelfmeter in Führung (55.), and Schleidde de Partie drehte. Nils Scholtes equalizes (69.) and Luca Eichner falls to 1:2 per error meter (72.). If you separate everything on a card set, depending on the eleven of trainer Rainer Müller in the final phase, the Ausgleich goes to 2:2 by Nicolas Krämer as he with the letzten Angriff of the späte Siegtreffer. After a short match against the substituted Lukas Gruben in the ball and Schleids Keeper Dominic Grün vorbeigelegt.

SG-Coach Müller balances: “There is a slippery Arbeitssieg, which has had one of the most active Leistung. We have the first time we have had to deal with the house, we will encounter the ball equipment and from that result that a snapshot has been taken. “