
Hund im Büro: So is the Lage in Saxony-Anhalt

Hund im Büro: So is the Lage in Saxony-Anhalt

Hunde-Wissenschaftlerin Juliane Bräuer says that it is Zweifel, that is for both, also for Hund and Besitzer. “We know that Hund and Besitzer are a narrow beziehung. If it comes to Ausschüttung of a Bindungshormon, sowohl beim Hund as well as Besitzer, wenn sich anschauen order berühren. Ähnlich wie a Mutter-Kind-Bindung.” Hunde is a social group, which is not all woolly. The Forschung said that the Zusammensein with Hunden is healthy for the Menschen and zB the Blutdruck can. It may be that the Arbeitszufriedenheit on the Besitzer jetty is often also at Kollegen. Spazergänge with the dog his work can be fully carried out in the midday break and on the night walk. So a man could theoretically work for a longer time.

Beaches are a man doing his job with a dog in the office, with colleagues and allergic or allergic reactions. Message: All students and students are welcome with their understanding. The Hundebesitzer should have a larger ridge area and the Regeln beaches. “Man is alone as a Hundebesitzer all the time, that is his privilege. And he is also happy with his Tabus”, so Bräuer. De Wissenschaftlerin rät dazu, de Tiere nicht in jeden Raum rein zu lassen. Juliane Bräuer worked on a Türschild, which announces the Hund in the jewel Raum. Once you know that you as a Hundebesitzer in the würde, pass through Hund zur Arbeitsituation in Büro. It may be that the saubergemacht becomes more difficult. Dadurch can make costs. The only thing you can do is geklärt worden.

Science is no more than Juliane Bräuer, but that man may not have been that old, was a Hund am Arbeitsplatz for Auswirkungen hat. Wissenschaftlerin Juliane Bräuer started working on a pilot project at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena. Dort können Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter unter gewissen Vorrausetzungen ihre Theirde mit ins Büro. The soul of the project is, it must be found out, based on the development of the business environment, so that the improvement of the working environment can be improved. Insgesamt soll das Project zehn Monate laufen.