
Peaceful holiday: Heimlich im Urlaub

Peaceful holiday: Heimlich im Urlaub

Man does not speak more in office. If we are quiet, it is also possible that something is done. The chef tries to use Quiet Cutting, once it is in the company, then it is possible that there is no muss in it. Punctual to the holiday season comes the next trend: quiet holiday. Holiday, without the colleagues and colleagues to inform – and the chef schon gar nicht.

It is like this: Man meldet sich ins Home office If you take a flight to the Canaries, you set up a beach bar, open the laptop and order a Piña Colada. The emails were sent and presented, causing the pineapple to nibble from the glass rim. Or even better: Man stelt het Arbeit gleich een en bewegt nur een de Mauszeiger, damn is at Slack and Teams so aussieht, if he is active.