
What about the “Mocro-Mafia” dahinter?

What about the “Mocro-Mafia” dahinter?

Cologne – In Cologne There is an explosion and a Mehrfamilienhaus has been created. Verletzte is not, everything damaged Türen and Fenster, say one Police officer.

In Cologne there is an explosion and a Mehrfamilienhaus has been created. (Symbol image)

In Cologne there is an explosion and a Mehrfamilienhaus. (Symbol image) © Lino Mirgeler/dpa

Die Spurensicherung war am Montagmorgen nor am Tatort im Einsatz. Das Haus is located in Stadtteil Zündorf. The Sprengung will take place at night.

The police work after their own fear – and who will go up – can hang with more explosions, which in the passages of weeks of honor have. There are explosion wars in Cologne, but also the Beispiel in Engelskirchen and Duisburg is come.

If the police consider part of the Sprengungen – one of the best geiselnahme in Cologne – in the Zusammenhang with different institutions than the Drogenbanden in the Niederlanden. The hatte befürchtungen von weiteren Taten dieser Art aufkommen lassen.

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Explosions in front of the House of Representatives have often been carried out for a long time by the non-American drug handlers of the Drohmittel, which would become a large part of the ‘Mocro-Mafia’ term.

Michael Mertens, NRW Chief of the Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP), said in July of the German press agent in this case: “The Dutch Drogenmafia has been here for a long time, and NRW as a Traffic Service is a Dreh- en Angelpunkt. Was man sich klarmachen muss : Das sind wirklich Täter von äußerster Brutalität.”