
Padel: Trendsport is booming in Germany with an aspirated Handbremse – Munich

Padel: Trendsport is booming in Germany with an aspirated Handbremse – Munich

If you play the tennis ball for 60 years, someone else may play a different game: the whole game of padel. On the All-Wetteranlage of Scheck in the Unterföhring there is a tennis court, now there is also other Rückschlagspieler zu Hause: the one with the kürzeren Schlägern and the glass walls around the square. All playing courts are busy with this form of play, with uninteresting players: here der fröhliche, neither attacking nor in the Anfängerstadium for Vierer, then a few ambitious ones, who have a Trainer-Anleitung Über-Kopf-Schläge üben.

Two youngsters, who had never heard or seen of Padel before, started insulting Mund Daneben, once saying: “Cool! Papa, can we do it too?” A more humble ball game is no longer possible. Schläger in de Hand, Ball over Netz, and schon man Padel.

SZ-PlusSeries: Ausgefallene Sportarten

:“Toller Schlag! Aber technically fatal”

With 18 million active players, Padel-actuell Wachstumssportart is Number One in Europe. Was the power over tennis, badminton and squash so important? A self-realization.

Von Linus Freymark, Franziska Peer, Arlet Ulfers

Inherited was the Spa 1969 in Acapulco. A Mexican wants to find a tennis court on the Grundstück-bauen, which is about his little war. “Baue ich eben einen kleineren Platz”, thought it is so, and that is a just war, but it is a wall that herum, so that the ball does not fly away so far – finally was the new sporting art. Spanier made his way to Europe, we see the sporty part of Marbellas Jetset with the short Schlägern the Zeit Vertrieb.

Padel is one of the best things in sports. Long-term money making is a national league, world broadcasting and a deserved professional, which are based on three world wetkampfseries. At Olympia 2032 in Brisbane the first Pedal-Medallen were played.

The number of economic consultants from Deloitte is aged in the tree: The global padel report is about 10,000 courts in 2016, the time has been 47,000, 2026 has been 85,000. The number of padel clubs is in the eight years of 2800 at more than 12,600 years. All years have passed since 51 new clubs have been won. There are high expectations of the experts for Asia, the Middle East, the USA, Great Britain, France and Germany.

Beispiel USA: Hatte is dort 2021 first 70 places, were they two years later schon 450. And Germany? Give a hint. In January 2023, 16,000 Plätze will be available in Spain, 8,300 in Italy, 2,100 in France – and 550 in Germany, and another 300 more if I’m around. In France, we have the Zahl der Spieler innerhalb von four Years of Verünffacht – Quoten, die hierzulande noch Zukunftsmusik sind. Not that the Germans don’t play wool, other things are our old Plätze gibt. And the person who stands for everything at Genehmigungs-Dschungel is Oliver Scheck-Poturicek.

Für seinen ersten Padelplatz met Scheck-Poturicek beächelt

Since 2001, the referee has ended up at the Anlage in Unterföhring, while Jahren is a Geschäftsführer, and Ehefrau Barbara, the geschäftsführenden Gesellschafterin. When youth players play tennis, the world fame of Turniere is best written, with 19 years ago, that is for the whole time no longer right. Danach is a trainer and trainer – and goes to the first Padel-Stunde lessons in Germany.

It is like this: If you operate in the Münchner Telefónica-Dependance in Spain on a Padel-Court – go to the Siebzigerjahren is the Spaniard on Padel-Hochburg; Mittlerweile is a more padel and tennis player. Before you can spend more years controlling the company, you can use a court – and you will be disappointed. “Damals war noch keine Rede von Padel”, erinsich remembers. The Spaniards played regularly, even if they were young. “Typical German: Was ich nicht kenne, mach’ ich first mal nicht,” said the Geschäftsführer.

Padel pioneer in Germany: Oliver Scheck-Poturicek, Geschäftsführer der Allwetteranlage von Scheck in Unterföhring. (Photo: Stephan Rumpf)

The course of action for the pandemic is: That is more possible. Our three tennis courts became fun at padel courts – “We have full tennis experience. If the war is risky, it is wise“, it is heute. Nur Plätze is reiche of not, man brauche on an idea, wie man is bereibt. „We since that was who in a Country Club: Man zahlt Beitrag and can do everything crazy, so often man will do that, Summer who Winter.“ Hinzu kommen Events, Turniere, appropriately zum Bedarf der Zielgruppe. „Denn: Padel ist Party“, erklärt Scheck-Poturicek.

For a year there is a Padel Festival, with free games, music, food, drinks, show matches – and more than 300 competitions. During Padel a “new knowledge has been created”, says the business leaders: “Fitness athletes discover for themselves a type of playing sport, one of the most popular ball sports I know. He himself says: I am so untalented – after five minutes it can do that.” Enjoy the functionality on Tennis nicht. If you keep forward and backward control of net and field flights, you can use so many trainerstunde.

Beim Padel became more Glückshormone ausgeschüttet as in vergleichbaren Sportarten

Make sure you get into the social aspect. Man still plays doubles: Teamsportstatt Selbstgeißelung nach einem Schlag ins Netz. Alter and condition? If this is included, exercise. Also (former) football professionals with Miroslav Klose, David Alaba, Mats Hummels and Karim Adeyemi and Padel-Fans. Would you like to enjoy Padel? Laut Deloitte-Studie lautet die Reihenfolge: socialize for pleasureleave in the middle: excercise and competition.

Neuropsychologists specialize in padel therapy with dopamine and endorphins, which are used for happiness-feeling drugs as in comparable sports. Play Padel-Spieler as Nomads: If you play over everything and with everyone, go under Flutlicht. And if you want to see Deloitte on the Platz-stehen again, the courts will go more often. Damit back in the German Genehmigungs-Dschungel.


:Padel Tennis for sporty Quartets

Unternehmer Richard von Rheinbaben will leave the new Disziplin at the modern tennis anlage Starnberg.

By Peter Haacke

Here lies the Crux in this international Wachstum. “The place here is a deutlich teurer,” complains Geschäftsführer Scheck-Poturicek, “was gilded as a flygender Bau in other Ländern, but was accepted in Germany. Man has stopped architects, statistics, a bodenfrosttiefe. The 80 Zentimeter tief foundation costs more than the entire Padel Court, which comes with the equipment.” In Spain, a court costs 18,000 Euro, in Germany 75,000. , bis dieses Genehmigungsverfahren einfacher läuft.”

In Munich it is a round 20 Padelplatze

From some other Tennisklub club, which has a padel court, Stichwort can be set up more easily. From MTTC Iphitos who has been on the initiative of the former tennis professional Emilio Alvarez for years, who is Sohn active in the Padel-Szene, is investigating a mobile Padel-Court initiative, while Marc Tenbücken is “gaining good experiences”. Derzeit follow man “keine weitergehenden Plane”, aber sollte sich in the Rahmen of plants Ertüchtigung der Anlage an Möglichkeit ergeben: warum nicht? “It is not easy to pass a padel court,” says Tenbücken.

The exceptions are in a Munich round 20 square meters, estimates Oliver Scheck-Poturicek. The best way to use outdoor courts in a few places is to play on the indoor court a few weeks later, and you will enjoy it more. We still have a small surface”. A total of 40,000 square meters.

A padel game was played for the first time – during the Tennis Wettkampfsaison at the end of the match: Herren 40, Bayernliga. Both sporting arts are mixed, they are energetic: “I can’t be proud of the tennis court.” And padel as a competitive sport? The club team, which will play the Bundesliga final in November, is overloaded. Schließlich muss is sich auf seinen Job konzentrieren, de bevorstehenden Boom in Blick haben: “Es geht jetzt loose, leader with vacuumed Handbremse.” Kind regards from the genehmigungs-Dschungel.