
Frauenfussball: Gelungen Generalprobe für Südburgenland/Hartberg

Frauenfussball: Gelungen Generalprobe für Südburgenland/Hartberg

The SPG Südburgenland / TSV Hartberg is absolutely free from the start of the test round.

MISCHENDORF. The SPG Zuidburgenland / TSV Hartberg starts with both teams coming to Wochenende in the new Meisterschaft. Play the Sonntag during high temperatures or two Test matches in the Fußballarena Mischendorf. The 2. Frauen Bundesliga team continues to die SPG Altenmarkt/Brunn. That 1b-Team empfing the SV Weikersdorf.

9:0 am against the old market

The team of trainer Harald Bacher started with his commando, that is the end of the training. Altenmarkt/Brunn held the defensive day of today, blieb aber offensive eher unscheinbar. Linda Popofsits then take the Torsperre after 25 minutes with the deserved 1:0. Fünf Minuten später wurde ihr ein Treffer vermeintlichem Abseits aberkannt.

Linda Popofsit's friends with Tore. | Photo: Michael Strini

Now a minute then, the statement Julia Meixner at 2:0 for the Südburgenländerinnen (31.). Linda Popofsits is now two minutes away from here – happy – Treffer nach. Nach toller Vorarbeit von Neuzugang Hannah Maurer printed Small Sipos den Ball zum 4:0-Pausenstand über die Linie (41.). In the meantime, you will not be able to stay with Lattenpendler.

After the Seitenwechsel, the southern burgheresses were extremely over-legen and they were also very happy. Linda Popofsits set a lupenreinen Hattrick innerhalb a Viertelstunde (46.,48.,58.). Vanessa Beiglböck you can see each other in the Eckball per Kopfball ebenfalls in de Schützienliste in (68.). The Schlusspunkt setzte Small Sipos with their two hits.

Vanessa Beiglböck and Kapitänin Katja Graf klatschen ab. | Photo: Michael Strini

The young team is busy with typing

Bereits at 14 o’clock, that’s it 1b-Team der Hitze and dem SV Weikersdorf. That with all the young players, the team of Kerstin Weber said fell Herz and great Einsatz. Dennoch went to die Gäste durch Katharina Degeorgi in front (10.). It deserves an Ausgleich field after a schön heraus spielten Aktion durch Sara Gabriel (26.).

Danach must solemn the young South Burglanderinnen of the Hitze and Routine of the Niederösterreicherinnen Tribut. Katharina Degeorgi (35.) and Daniela Fazekas (43.) erhöhten still before the break at 1:3. After fixing Maria Pross with a Doppelpack (54.,58.) from 1:5 out of sight of the Heimisch, it will be a bit that it has fallen.

Zwischenzeitlicher Ausgleich for the young Südburgenländerinnen. | Photo: Michael Strini

Culinary end of season

A small Meisterfeier, the Saisonabschluss and the Saisonstart, are at the Freitag at the Sportplatz Mischendorf for the Players of FC Südburgenland. Gottfried BrunnerObmann vom SV Mischendorf/Neuhaus, who were prepared for the culinary items with box packaging and storage. Dazu goes music from the dose and hereditary getränke anyway mehlspeisen.

Mastery Start

Die SPG Südburgenland / TSV HartberIn that case, get started with the Auswärtskracher SVK Wildcats am Saturday, August 17, in the Meisterschaft. The game starts at 14:30.
Before 1b-Team Start the new Herausforderung Steirische Frauenlandesliga with the most exciting Auswärtsmatch at Topteam Stallhofen am Sonntag, August 18, at 5 p.m.

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