
Schmaler Grad zwischen Zinssenkung und Rezession

Schmaler Grad zwischen Zinssenkung und Rezession

The trading activities in the fortress, after they were in the ruins, were grim events. Traders who are now talking about the inflation data are separated from the next Schritte of the US-Notenbank who earn their money. If the inflation figures rise slightly in July, the inflation expectation will become more moderate. If the Fed-Vertretern gains more insight, the sentences and the focus on the abschwächende Arbeitsmarkt of the legen become. Investors have the idea that things have turned out well – they find a sentence in September nicht in the fragile situation, but a robust company, a decision on the lindern. As the volatile market on the market becomes increasingly larger, experts warn of a possible summer season for companies, the economic certainty and the inevitable forecast of the future that borders on the limits of the economy.

Companies in focus

Today we have Hypoport, Hannover Back, and Saltwater the book came out in the second quarter and failed a few years ago. Hypoport’s Consolidation remained 22% yoy in half year 2024. After the results in the future, the EBIT is now quickly +8 million euros. Moreover, the expectations for 2024 are the best possible. The active power in today’s trading day is a powerful force after above. Die Hannover Back Verzeichnete im ersten Halbjahr 2024 een Anstieg des Nettogewinns een 21 Prozent auf 1.2 Billiarden Euro. Trotz eines Grossschadens von 120 Millionen Euro durch Hochwasser in Süddeutschland bleibt das Unternehmen in the meantime and stops a blessing Gewinnprognose fest. The action jumped right into this post afterward. Die Salzgitter AG A mismatched tax burden has been created, despite the difficult economic conditions, which are putting a heavy burden on the steel industry. The third world technology sector, which booked a stock market in 2024, was a very large diversification of the concerts. The household appliances used are negative on the fixed activities. In order to compensate, short-term fresh measurements were introduced for performance improvement.

Tomorrow, among other things, Bilfinger, Brenntag, Cancom, HelloFresh, Henkel, Home Depot, Norma Group, Renk, TAG Immobilien and Thyssenkrupp Geschäftszahlen für das abgelaufene Quartal veröffentlichen.

Important deadline:

  • Germany-Retail Sales
  • Germany-WPI

Graphical eye-catcher

Wider rankings: 17,980/18,890 Punkte

Unterstützungsmarken: 16,288/16,785/17,282/17,467 Punkte

After the German Aktienindex has not started with a company after it has started in the new start, a large part of the profit has gone back and forth over the Verlauf of the Tages with less money. The current RSI index is neutral and the current MACD indicator is active, but still can not be bought. On the top page of the index we see Luft to the broader standing market at 17,980 points. An Ausbruch über deze Marke kon dem DAX® possible more impulse given. In second place you will find the Leitindex-zwischen 17.282 and 17.467 Punkte an Unterstützungszone.

DAX® in Punkten; 1-Tage Chart (1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 25.01.2023 – 12.08.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful development. Quelle:

DAX® in Punkten; Wochenchart (1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 23.01.2017 – 12.08.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful development. Source:

Structured products such as Reverse Bonus Cap Certificate could be an investment opportunity. If you choose investors now, there are no opportunities to see yet. These papers have been increased by a barrier and a bonus level/limit. Notification of the index until the last assessment has begun at the barrier, which informs the investor of the maximum return involvement. This bet is very interesting for the difference to Reverselevel and Bonuslevel – a transition to the Bezugsverhaltnis (z.Bsp.: (26,000 – 12,200)/100 = 138 Euro). Andernfalls dreams of a Verlust. Inline Option Scheme If you choose to be on the safe side, you will die from a woolen index of woolen indexes. Notiert der Index bis zum finalen Bewertungstag stets upperhalb der lower Ko-Barriere unterhalb der lower Ko-Barriere, erhalten Anleger am Laufzeitende the fixierten Rückzahlungsbetrag. Wird de Barriere verletzt paintällt das Wertpaper alldings wertlos.

Reverse Bonus Cap Certificate on the DAX®

Base value WKN Sales price in Euro Barrier in Pkt. Bonus Level/Cap in Pkt. Reversed level in Pkt. Last assessment day
DAX® HD5QMX 124.61* 20,000 10,300 25.5000 21.03.2025
DAX® HD6DGX 135.34** 20,500 9,700 25,000 21.03.2025
DAX® HD3WSE 126.58*** 21,000 12,200 26,000 17.04.2025
* max Rückzahlungsbetrag: 152 Euro; ** maximum Rückzahlungsbetrag: 153 Euro; ***max. Rückzahlungsbetrag 138 Euro; Quelle: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 12.08.2024; 5:45 p.m

Inline option diagram on DAX® for a speculation about a trend trend in the index

Base value WKN Sales price in EUR under the Ko barrier in Pkt. upper Ko barrier in Pkt. Last assessment day
DAX® HD65EG 8,19 16,200 18,800 20.09.2024
DAX® HD3Y1S 8.24* 16,600 19,000 20.09.2024
DAX® HD6M55 5.02* 16,800 18,800 25.10.2024
DAX® HD4ZLD 6.73* 16,600 19,000 25.10.2024
* Reimbursement fee at the end of the day: EUR 10; Quelle: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 12.08.2024; 5:45 p.m

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This information does not represent any anlageberatung, but a Werbung dar. The öffentliche Angebot is also informed by the Grundlage eines Wertpaperprospekts, der von der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (“BaFin”). The invoice for the prospects is not such that the commercial papers of UniCredit Bank GmbH are eligible. All maßgeblich since der Prospekt einschließlich etwaiger Nachträge and the final terms. It is a fact that this document ensures that the analysis of the teaching material is separated, one of the potential risks and opportunities in separating an anlage that you can increase. If you are a beginner, a product can never be a problem and can not be otherwise.

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