
Wirtschaft: ILO: Weltweite Laborlosigkeit bei Jugendlichen niedriger

Wirtschaft: ILO: Weltweite Laborlosigkeit bei Jugendlichen niedriger

Young people think that COVID-19 infections and their consequences are increasing. This message is from the new message from the International Labour Organization (ILO). Do the fortifications appear only forward to be.

More education, less work freedom. The latest news from the International Labour Organization (ILO) came with two positive developments. There is no well-considered decision yet. While young people, the debt burden and an exempt debt restructuring are undergoing, the end of the COVID pandemic has come.

After the achievements of the ILO, there were 64.9 million people living within 15 and 24 years of work. This message addresses a quote from 13 Prozent (siehe Grafik).

The consequences of the Corona pandemic during 2020 have been affected by more than 74 million affected people. De Quotation der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit schnellte auf 15.6 Prozent hoch. Zwischen 2015 and 2017 were beef 73 Millionen Jugendliche arbeitslos – zwischen 14.5 Prozent and 14.8 Prozent.

Better access to images

“The report said that we have survived the worst consequences of the COVID crisis,” he was published in the ILO report on Monday (12.8.). “Global commitment finds a young person a job that works longer into the future. The young man’s quote is stable at the pre-crime level.”

A Grund for the positive Entwicklung is the best way to go to Bildung. In the twenty years that the opportunity arose, a debt acknowledgment note for absolvieren had the ILO deutlich veressert (siehe Grafik). Demnachen im Year 2000 bound 38 Prozent der jugendlichen Weltbevölkerung in irgendeiner Form an einer Schul-oder Berufsausbildung teil. In 2023 the Anteil was at 48 Prozent.

Entwicklungsländer holen auf, Poor Länder declined weiter zurück

“In particular, a study has been carried out into the Bildunglevels in the Ländern met niedrigen mittleren Einkommen,” the report says. Der Anteil der 15- to 24-Jährigen in een Schul-oder Berufsausbildung stieg in dieser Ländergruppe swisser um 15,5 Prozentpunkte auf annähernd 50 Prozent. Damit is fast driving with the country group “Hohe mittlere Einkommen”. In the group of the federal states with “Hohen Einkommen” the value remained at 62.6 per cent – completely 3.3 per cent higher in the year 2000.

A Ausnahme-Image de la Länder met nidrigem Einkommen. In this group, there is no difference between the results of the picture and the picture. There is a place in the Altersgruppe from 15- to 24-Jährigen, also among the 25- to 29-Jährigen.

Good Ausbildung, schlechte Bezahlung

Appeal to the qualification of young people who have a good perspective on the long and schellenlanden, often very simple. If the qualification is higher, it is automatically not set higher. The ILO is working on the previous Wirtschaftsstructuren back: “The structural adjustment of the development countries to sectors with higher profit margins is only gradually progressing”, the report states. “These young people are still not able to work with small and small qualifications, but now a start has been made to qualify the qualifications for the sales position higher.”

Large regional differences

The jobs are not separated, but they are strong in the individual regions. In the Arab States, the Peaceful Region as well as East and South East Asia, the Jugendarbeitslosigkeitsquoten 2023 were as high as 2019.

Laut ILO-Report stieg die Jugendarbeitslosenquote in Ostasien zwischen 2019 und 2023 om ganze 4.3 Prozentpunkte. In other regions, the first pieces of jewelry are a fashion trend.

“Now a great effect”

In the action of the ILO-Bericht a new Risk factors was introduced. So if the experts come out of the closet, the Jugendrabeitslosigkeit in the years will not come back, while the level stagnates at the level.

“The statements made about the youth employment ban were probably only forward-looking,” it says. More and more conflicts are being fought over the pandemic.

“The impact of the early years on the job of the young people after 2021 will continue until 2023. The Wachstumsrate der Jugendbeschäftigung will be significantly reduced in the year 2022/23.” If you have a chance to reach a bigger issue, before the legal battle continues.

Working and surviving in the Krieg

A new and better organized regency is that most young people, in their country or in their region, could get a Krieg job.

Laut World Value Survey (2017-22) has looked at more than 80 percent of young people in Central and Western Asia, South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa in their fear of war risk. The next ausgeprägt is this fear in North America and South Africa.

Author: Astrid Prange de Oliveira