
Unwetter: Bund registriert bei heavy Gewittern über 70’000 Blitze

Unwetter: Bund registriert bei heavy Gewittern über 70’000 Blitze

The Blitz über the Sendeturm on the Zürcher Uetliberg war one of 70,000 registered Blitzen in der Schweiz.
The Blitz über the Sendeturm on the Zürcher Uetliberg war one of 70,000 registered Blitzen in der Schweiz.


The Bund has registered the violent Gewitter of Montagabend over 70,000 Blitze am Schweizer Himmel. There is a spectacular Blitz action of the Sendeturm on the Uetliberg ZH, which meteoschweiz tomorrow serves on the platform X mitteilte.

Zurich is a ‘normal summer whiter’ in Montagabend, with a speaker of the Einsatzzentrale Schutz and Rettung, who experiences the Feuerwehr obedience, in the Night of the Service on the Anfrage of the Nachrichtenagent of Keystone-SDA. New damages were certainly not possible.

Other regions of Switzerland, throughout the Bernese Oberland, were affected by the illegal situation. More people could be evacuated in the Bernese Oberland, while the Kantonspolizei Bern on X miteilte. Particularly in the Briens area and the Lütschinentälern there are many Rettungskräfte in Einsatz. The police stated that they would provide further information in the future.
