
Swissquote-Action: Swissquote deserves im first Halbjahr deutlich more | 13.08.24

Swissquote-Action: Swissquote deserves im first Halbjahr deutlich more | 13.08.24

If you press the button, it is positive, while the Unternehmen look more outward.

In total, Swissquote raised the net turnover in the first six months of 2024 in comparison with the previous year by 19.3 percent to 316.9 million francs, which is the Institute for the service. The army support has done its work and is no longer from the Trade from the available knowledge.

The previous price was an amount of 35.9 percent on 169.7 million francs. Under the Strike resulted in a 35.7 percent increase in winnings of 144.6 million francs.

Customer sales at record

Derweil konnte das Unternehmen die Anzahl Kundenkonten in de vergangen sech Monaten um 10 Prozent scaffolden. Der Netto-Neugeldzufluss field met 3.8 Billiarden über dem Vorjahr aus. The Kundenvermögen hit a 19.6 Prozent at the new height of 68.0 Billion Francs. Damit hat Swissquote die Erwartungen der Analysten are affected.

Swissquote explains more about Zinsertrag. Net profit, at 109.8 million francs, was 6.9 percent over the previous year. The volatility in the first part of Halbjah is now so great that trade activity in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr has further improved. The Anzahl Transactions are at 21.9 Prozent. The Net Commissions amount to 17.9 Prozent on 86.9 Million Francs. I am a Kryptogeschäft die die Significant Wachstum of the Krypto-Marktkapitalisierung and the higher volumes quickly for a Verfünffachung of the Nettransactions on 35,1 Millionen.

If the Gesamtjahr says that the Swiss quote is now no longer as clear as the year begins, then Halbjahr would have been considered with a certain foresight – under the crypto market. So the company now examines a net amount of 615 million francs and a profit margin of around 320 million. In the meantime, the net amount should rise to 595 million and the profit margin to 300 million francs.


gland (awp)