
HelloFresh übertrifft Erwartungen, Aktie Steigt van

HelloFresh übertrifft Erwartungen, Aktie Steigt van — Nach Vorlage der Q2-Ergebnisse extends the Aktien von HelloFresh (ETR:) on the German service.

The world of Food Tech companies has fallen in large and large parts of the world, while the AEBITDA deutsch has fallen more and more recently, so the analysts at Jefferies in a certain situation.

The HelloFresh promotion is from 09:51 am to 12.2% on 6.06 euros.

“Einem leichten AOV-Wachstum steht a more moderate Volumenrückgang gegenüber”, read the experts from the US-Investmentbank.

If the quarter reports HelloFresh an amount of 1,950.8 million euros and less than -0.6% below the Visible Alpha emitted consensus. Days over AEBITDA with 146.4 million euros on the market are +17.3%.

If the percentage of 0.9% falls short of 1.7%, the largest part of the AOV is brought to 4.7%, while a small setback in the total volume flow is seen.

Trotz dieserherausforderungen war der Free Cash Flow (FCF) met 56.6 Millionen Euro grim and lagging behind deutlich über der Konsensprognose von -15.1 Millionen Euro.

The best outlook for the future of the year 2024 is one of the best expectations of 2% to 8% in the future, while the expected forecast is +3.4%.

The AEBITDA has earned 350 and 400 million euros and is below the consensus estimate of 362 million euros.

The RTE meal (Ready-to-Eat) power inzwischen beef 25% of the gesamtumsatzes of the Konzerns and duration of Jefferies weiter waiter.