
Theologist asks for more respect for Mücken

Theologist asks for more respect for Mücken

Grundsätzlich gelte, Gewalt gegen Tiere zu hinterfragen – auch gegenüber Mücken, sagte der Leiter des Instituts für Theologische Zoologie van Katholiek Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA).

“When it is after us, gabe es only useful and little animals”, said Hagencord. If you like the Nutzen man, this is often not possible. It is not that it is not nervous, but make sure that you can use the best products of Pflanzen and other needs as a post-treatment. As soon as the passage of the ink goes to the Staunen.

“They are expensive photos”

There was a big problem with Hagencord in the nutztierhaltung, the dying on the Dauer was never aushalten. This is a natural perspective for a lighter Fleischkonsum: “We could have problems with vegetarian or vegan living here in Europe.” Bequemlichkeit stop die Menschen davon jedoch ab.

Soul is a fact, “the Tieren auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen en nicht meer als Herr or Herrin”. Dabei gelte der Grundsatz: “That Schöpfung is not for us.” The biblical history of Arche Noah may be an example here. This is a “History that erzählt a Vision”. Solche Hoffnungsbilder braucht es aus Sicht des katholischen Theoloogen: “I am happy, the Katastrofenbilder nicht wirken.”